University of Virginia Library



Ring, bells, ring, and tell the story afresh
Of the Word Made Flesh:
Tell of Infinitude taking the room of a span—
God Made Man.
Tell of a helpless Babe, who in cradle mean will sleep:
Tell of his power on the scaleless height, in the fathomless deep.
Tell of a Child who takes from a mortal breast His food:
Tell of the One who feedeth creation's vastitude.
Tell of the baby cries, the baby laughter sweet:
Tell how the heaven of heavens is lying under His feet.
Tell of the low estate, of the little humble shed:
Tell of all wisdom, might and glory in that small bed.


Tell of His mother's joy, beholding His lovely face:
Tell how creation lives by this her Creator's grace.
Ring, bells, ring, and tell the story afresh
Of the Word Made Flesh:
Tell of Infinitude taking the room of a span—
God Made Man.