University of Virginia Library


March on, my lads! March on, my lads!
Not dreaming of the morrow;
While all is well, let well suffice,
Why should we dream of sorrow?

Still on, still on, with backs unbowed,
Faces alert and bright,
Remembering, aye, that all we do
Helps Britain and the right.
An hour ago poor Ned was hit,
I fear he lies in pain,
'Tis sad, no doubt, yet sooner now
He'll see his Bess again.
Still on, still on, with backs unbowed,
And give another blow;
Aim straight! strike hard! nor think of self,
Faces toward the foe.
Still on, still on, with backs unbowed,
So, when the night is here,
Mayhap we'll sleep, though autumn mist
Makes trenches cold and drear—
Mayhap we'll sleep, yet wake to fight,
To fight, and, once more fight,
Remembering, aye, that all we do
Helps Britain and the right.
September 28th, 1914.