University of Virginia Library


In Westminster Abbey.

Under the marble's milk-white satin,
With cherubim, seraphim, trumpets of Fame,
And stately scrolls of imperial Latin
Blazoning proudly each deathless name;
I think I could rest in a well-pleased slumber;
I think my flesh would be fain of the grave
If I might be of this glorified number,
And such a tomb, such epitaphs, have!

Oh, easily lulled! and comforted lightly!
If I might choose, I would have them give
To the quick flames, burning clear and brightly,
Whatever is left of me, after I live.
Or else, in the kind great arms of the sea—
Which nothing can cumber, and nothing stain—
Lay it and leave it. So might I be
Safe back with the winds and the waters again!


At least confess 'twere a record splendid
To lie, like Philips, with lovely verse
Sounding the triumph of life well ended,
Tenderly wreathing the minstrel's hearse;
Was it not grand to wind such sweet riddance?
“Master! peaceful hereunder recline!”
To be laid in earth with that gentle biddance?
“Till Angels wake thee with songs like thine!”

Fair is the verse; but, I think the Master
Would rather live on a choral lip;
Would liever some warm heart beat the faster
For musical joy and fellowship,
In anthems rolling—solemn and certain—
Or madrigals left us to play and to sing;
Than have Angels set to draw Death's curtain,
And lauds as loud as the praise of a King.

Well! tell me then, was there ever graven
A farewell softer to spirit fled
Than Franklin hears in this quiet haven
Where moor the fleets of our mighty Dead?


Cenotaph? Yes!—but the beautiful message!
Where is one like it? “Great Sailor-Soul!
Sailing now on some happier passage,
Voyaging hence to no earthly Pole!”

Nay! I have seen what was like it, and better;
Far away, on a Syrian hill:
Not one word! not an Arabic letter
Marked where the dead man lay so still;
But round his headstone, for sorrow and story,
A long black braid of tresses was tied!
Think how she loved him to give the glory
Of her hair! Would you, Dear! if I had died?