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Spiritual Songs

Being the Marrow of the Scripture, in Songs of Praise to Almighty God; from The Old and New Testament. With A Hundred Divine hymns on several Occasions: As now Practised in several Congregations in and about London. The Second Edition; With a Table of Contents. By Benjamin Keach

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A Prophetical Part of Moses's Song, Deut. 32.
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A Prophetical Part of Moses's Song, Deut. 32.


Give Ear, O Heavens, I will speak
and let also the Earth,


Hear the good Words of my own Mouth,
which now I shall bring forth,


My Doctrin like the Rain shall drop,
my Speech distil shall as
The Dew does on the tender Herbs,
and showers on the Grass.


Because that I Jehovahs Name
will publish and make known;
I will ascribe greatness to God,
yea, and to him alone.


He is the Rock, and Perfect too
his Ways and Judgments be;
A God of Truth, and without Sin,
both Just and Right is he.


Because their Rock unto our Rock
is not to be compar'd;
Yea, though our Enemies themselves,
as Judges should be heard:


Vengeance is mine, I will repay,
in time their Feet shall slide,
Their dreadful Day it does draw near,
and Woe shall them betide.


Because the Lord his Saints shall judg,
and for them he'll Repent,
When none shut up, or lift he sees,
when all their Power's spent.


Then sing ye Nations with his Saints,
revenge their Blood will he,
And render Vengeance to his Foes,
but kind to his Saints be.