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To Mr. Edward Ward,

on his excellent Version of Don Quixote into Hudibrastick Verse.

With what Ill-nature can the Critick see
Cervantes lost, because improv'd by Thee;
For by the Spaniard's Fancy Thou hast shown
A much superior Genius of Thy own.
Who then thy tuneful Version wou'd refuse,
Sung by a Bard inspir'd with Butler's Muse?
Tho' all the World with Justice must confess,
Cervantes bright in his own Country Dress,
That Mirth and Humour flow in ev'ry Line;
But poignant Satyr was the grand Design.
When the wise Spaniard in light Airs thus writ,
The gravest Morals skulk'd beneath his Wit:
You to your Author show such just regard,
We know not which Cervantes writ, which Ward.
J. Browne, L. L. M. D.