The Life and Notable Adventures of that Renown'd Knight, Don Quixote De la Mancha Merrily Translated into Hudibrastick Verse. By Edward Ward |
I, II. |
To Mr. Edward Ward,
The Life and Notable Adventures of that Renown'd Knight, Don Quixote De la Mancha | ||
To Mr. Edward Ward,
on his excellent Version of Don Quixote into Hudibrastick Verse.
With what Ill-nature can the Critick seeCervantes lost, because improv'd by Thee;
For by the Spaniard's Fancy Thou hast shown
A much superior Genius of Thy own.
Who then thy tuneful Version wou'd refuse,
Sung by a Bard inspir'd with Butler's Muse?
Tho' all the World with Justice must confess,
Cervantes bright in his own Country Dress,
That Mirth and Humour flow in ev'ry Line;
But poignant Satyr was the grand Design.
When the wise Spaniard in light Airs thus writ,
The gravest Morals skulk'd beneath his Wit:
You to your Author show such just regard,
We know not which Cervantes writ, which Ward.
J. Browne, L. L. M. D.
The Life and Notable Adventures of that Renown'd Knight, Don Quixote De la Mancha | ||