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To the same on the same Occasion.

To the same on the same Occasion.

If my Lætitia still persists to love
The country village, and the shady grove,
The murm'ring riv'let and the turtles moan,
Despising all the grandeur of a town;
Where beauty triumphs, and where pleasure reigns,
And rounds of mirth relieve our daily pains;
Where George's mighty substitute appears,
And every face with blooming pleasure chears;
Grafton! whom never fair one saw unmov'd,
Whom ev'n great Churchill's beauteous offspring lov'd.
For him whate'er o'er all our kingdom's fine,
They in this happy place together join;
With him each warlike glittering soldier goes,
With him the tender race of whining beaux;
In short, we've here all that may hope t' engage,
One of your wit, your beauty, and your age.
If all these pow'rful arguments should fail,
I'll in the tenderest part your heart assail;
The lovely Damon languishes and dies,
Nor can revive, but by your charming eyes;


But I forgot—Mamma these lines must see,
So shall you hear no more of him from me.