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KOSMOBREVIA[Greek], or the infancy of the world

With an Appendix of Gods resting day, Edon Garden; Mans Happiness before, Misery after, his Fall. Whereunto is added, The Praise of Nothing; Divine Ejaculations; The four Ages of the world; The Birth of Christ; Also a Century of Historical Applications; With a Taste of Poetical fictions. Written some years since by N. B.[i.e. Nicholas Billingsley] ... And now published at the request of his Friends

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Εκ Διος αρχομεα προς γαρ Διος εσμεν απαντες Πταχοι ------
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Εκ Διος αρχομεα προς γαρ Διος εσμεν απαντες Πταχοι ------

God , the most great and mighty Architect,
Did all of nought, but his owne love, erect;
And by the pleasure of hir free goodwill,
With wonderous works the heaven and earth did fill
And on each creature in this Universe,
Did strange and sundry natural gifts disperse:
His boundless power, the dead from ground can raise
And out of Sucklings mouths doth perfect praise:
VVisedome he gives to men of elder yeares,
And it in very young ones oft appears:
VVitness the Author of this worthy Book,
VVho at his age of fifteen undertook
This his industrious and painful task,
Gods wonders great in nature to unmasque:
VVherein the reader may his soul delight
Of God himself in haveing some sweet sight:
VVhich should the heart to be set on him move,
For his great goodness, wisdome, power and love.
By R. Cr. Reg. Scho. Cantuar. Hipo didasc.