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Translated from the Latin of JOHANNES SECUNDUS.

Once gayly pensive stood the Cyprian dame;
Her pleasing task the balmy kiss to frame;
Rich floods of tinctur'd fragrance first she pours;
Ambrosia's sweets; and nectar's pleasing show'rs:
Next wily Cupid, rob'd the honey'd store;
Nor yet, unhurt, the liquid prize he bore;
Unfolding vi'lets mingle in the toil,
And summer roses shed their blushing spoil;
Fond glowing smiles the rip'ning bliss refine;
And still a thousand, thousand graces join;
Whatever charms the cestus holds, she blends,
And lo! the work in soft perfection ends;
Now, pants thy heart the heav'nly sweets to try?
On Chloe's lips the melting raptures lie.