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[Poems in two Parts]

[by Samuel Slater]

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Doubt. 1.

From the apprehension of Gods Holiness.

Trembling takes hold upon me, when I see
A God above of spotless puritie.
The Seraphims his glory do proclaim,
And it admire, most holy is his name.
The garnisht Heavens are unclean in's sight,
The noon-day Sun is darkned by his light.
His eyes are flames of fire, piercing and pure,
Which can't the least iniquity endure.
But I am full of sin, all over stains;
From top to toe is nought but boils and blains.


My head, heart, life with sin are over-run;
Sin I did chuse, by sin I am undone.

Yet there is hope: a ruin'd Bankrupt may
Set up again; the night gives place to day.
Adam his beauty lost, and by one sin
Defac'd the image God had made him in.
The Nazarite became an Ethiope,
And in himself had neither help nor hope;
Yet found both in another. God prepar'd
More lasting beauty for him, and repair'd
His Image on him, and the sinner then,
Washt from his filth, waxt fresh and fair agen.
This may be done for thee, the fountain still
Stands open for all comers; whoso will
May go and bathe his sooty soul, and so
Come forth a Creature new, and white as snow.
Thy God is holy, so is Christ, and he
Hath Grace sufficient for himself and thee;
Thy wound is not incurable; thy sore
He can so heal, that it shall run no more.
Thy Maker can, O soul, form thee anew,
Thy holy God can make thee holy too.
Nay more, by Covenant he's bound t' impart
To his a spirit right, and a new heart.
Go to him then, his faithful promise plead,
And so he will richly supply thy need.