University of Virginia Library


XXII. Puer nobis natus est, de virgine Maria.


[From MS. Harl. No. 5396, p. 18. This MS. appears to have been written in the north; for on the page which contains the present carol are written, in nearly a contemporary hand, the words, “Wylȝam Northe of Yorke.”]

Be glad, lordynges, be ye more and lesse,
I bryng ȝou tydynges of gladnesse,
As Gabryel me beryth wetnesse,
dicam vobis quia.
I bryng ȝou tydynges that ben gode,
Mary hath borne a blysful foude,
That boȝt us all upon the rode,
sua morte pia.
For the trespas of Adam,
For the fadyr of hevyn he cam,
Here-to myrthhe us bygan,
teste profecia.
Mary, modur and leve virgyn,
That bare a child wyth-outen syn,
Kepe us all fro hell pyn,
de virgine Maria.