University of Virginia Library


[CXXVI] hay, hay! by this day!
What avayleth it me throwgh I say nay!)


I wold ffayn be a clarke,
but yet hit is a strange werke,
the byrchyn twygges be so sharpe,
Hit makith me haue a faynt harte!
what avaylith it me thowgh I say nay.


On monday in ye mornyng whan I shall rise
at VI. of the clock, hyt is the gise
to go to skole withowt A vise,
I had lever go XXti myle twyse!
what avaylith it me thowgh I say nay?


My master lokith as he were madde,
“Wher hast you be, thow sory ladde?”
“Milked Dukkes, my moder badde!”
Hit was no mervayle thow I were sadde.
what vaylith it me thowgh I say nay?


my master pepered my ars with well good spede:
hit was worse than ffynkyll sede!
he wold not leve till it did blede!
Myche sorow haue he for his dede!
What vayleth it me thowgh I say nay?


I wold my master wer a watt,
& my boke a wyld Catt,
& a brase of grehowndes in his toppe,
I wold be glad for to se that!
What vayleth it me thowgh I say nay?


I wold my master were an hare,
& all his bokes howndes were,
& I my self a Joly Hontere!
to blowe my horn I wold not spare!
ffor if he were dede I wold not care.
What vaylith me thowgh I say nay?