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Queene Elizabeths Teares

Or, Her resolute bearing the Christian Crosse, inflicted on her by the persecuting hands of Steuen Gardner Bishop of Winchester, in the bloodie time of Queene Marie. Written By Christopher Leuer

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[The generous Reader, whose free honest soule]

Musa crucem cecinit dudum quæ carmine Christi,
Ælizæ varias iam canit illa cruces
Ælizæ qúe cruces crucifixi nomine passas:
O quam te memorem Virgo, virago, dea,
O nullus laceret liuor Levere labores,
Pergat at in studijs casta Minerua pijs.

The generous Reader, whose free honest soule,
Did loue the honor'd subiect of thy Booke,
Will for her sake (whose loue liues in the roule
Of datelesse Memorie) lend a friendly looke.
As others Gardens haue bestowed floures,
To decke her Garlands, and to strew her herse;
So thy graue Muse doth tell her grieued houres,
And sings her sorrowes in a sollemne verse:
That though deuouring Time did to bereaue her,
Of Palme and Pittie with her foes conspire;
Yet thy loue Leuer lets not Honor leaue her,
But by the heate of kinde Poetike fire
Reuiu'd, giu'st virtue her deserued hire.
R. K.