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A vvife, not ready made, but bespoken

by Dicus the Batchelor, and made up for him by his fellow Shepheard Tityrus. In four Pastorall Eglogues. The second Edition: Wherein are some things added but nothing amended [by Robert Aylett]

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[If he that hath character'd out a Wife]

If he that hath character'd out a Wife,
Might see her practique part thus drawn to life,
He could not but with shouts and acclamation,
Preferre thy practice to his contemplation:
So dost thou branch her out in every line,
That only thou deserv'st she should be thine:
Oh! wer't thou single now, and free, as I,
No woman, shouldst thou ask, could thee deny;
So powr'fully hast thou their cause defended,
And highly, as they well deserve, commended:
Such goodnes thou descri'st in woman kinde,
As never any could before thee finde.
G. H.