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To whom we owen to make oure mone
Of alle þe synnes þat we haue wrouȝte
In ȝouþe, in elde, many oone;
In þese psalmys þei ben þoruȝ souȝt,
In schame of alle oure goostli foon,
And in to Englische þei ben brouȝt,
For synne in man to be fordon.]
Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me, neque in ira tua corripias me.
In thy wreth blame þow not me;
For, if my soule be throgh soght,
In many a synne my-self I see;
And drede rennith in my thoght
Þat thow wil a-wreked be;
But, Lorde, [thow] haast me dere boght,
Spare a while til I be fre.
Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam infirmus sum; sana me, Domine, quoniam conturbata sunt omnia ossa mea.
Heele me, for bresid be my bones;
My fleesch is freel, my soule [hath] eke
Ful grete mister to make mones.
But, when my cors is cast in creke
And depe doluen vndir stones,
Ihesu mercyable and meke,
Lese noght þat thow boghtist ones.
Et anima mea turbata est ualde; set tu, Domine, usquequo?
But, Lord, how longe schal it be so?
If I do synnes more and more,
Thanne me must suffir peynes moo.
[I] lede a lyfe agayn thy lore
So wrecchidly þat me is woo;
But thy mercy may me restore,
Ther is no help whanne it is goo.
Conuertere, Domine, et eripe animam meam; saluum me fac propter misericordiam [tu]am.
Make me saffe for thy mercy;
For fowle with fethir ne fysch with fynne
Is noon vnstedfaster þanne I.
Whan I thenk what is me with-inne,
My consciens maketh a careful cry;
Therfore thy pytee, Lord, vnpynne,
That I may mende me ther-by.
Quoniam non est in morte qui memor sit tui. In inferno autem quis confitebitur tibi?
Who schal knowlech to the in helle?
Whan bodyes stynke[n] vnder stone,
Where soules been no man can telle;
Therfore, Ihesu, thow felle oure foon,
That al day on vs [y]elpe and [y]helle,
And graunt vs, or we hennes goon,
Þat we be waschen in mercy welle.
Laboraui in gemitu meo; lauabo per singulas noctes lectum meum; lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo.
My bedde schal I wasch euery nyght,
And with þe terys of my wepyng
My bedde-straw water, as it is right.
Synne is cause of my mornyng,
I fele me feynt in goostly [f]ight;
Therfore I wepe and water wryngge,
As I wele owe and euery wight.
Turbatus est a furore oculus meus; inueteraui inter omnes inimicos meos.
I eeldid myne enemys amonge;
Wele I wote I haue doo mys
And greuyd God with werkes wrong;
And euer when I thenk on this
I crye on Criste with steuen strong,
And say, “[Lord Ihesu], kyng of blys,
To thy mercy me vndirfonge!”
Discedite a me omnes qui operamini iniquitatem, quoniam exaudiuit Dominus uocem fletus mei.
For God my wepyng voys hath herde.
To his fote fayn wil I falle,
And be chastied with his ȝerde.
Now, curteys Kyng, to the I calle,
Be noght vengeable, put vp thy swerde!
In heuen when thow holdist halle,
Lat me noght be ther-oute sperde!
Exaudiuit Dominus deprecacionem meam; Dominus oracionem meam suscepit.
And receyuid my oryson;
Therfore I hope to haue here
Some p[rofi]t of his passion.
He sweet[te] blood and water clere,
For betyng was his body broune;
Thow that boghtist man soo dere,
Lat neuer feend drawe vs [a]doun!
Erubescant, & conturbentur [vehementer] omnes inimici mei; conuertantur, & erubescant ualde uelociter.
Worth alle they þat myn enemys be!
Turnyd and with schame a-tamyd
Right sone be they, þat I may see!
The world, the feend, the flesch [be] namyd
Ayens man-kynde enemys three;
That I be noght thorgh hem defamyd,
Derworth Lord, I pray to the.
Beati quorum remisse sunt iniquitates, & quorum tecta sunt peccata.
Be forgiuen and synnes hydde,
For [thei] þat God hath vndirfong
In heuen blys ben couth and kydde;
But thei þat ben in lustes long,
And doon no better than beest or bridde,
Thei may be sekir of stormes strong;
Thoo wrecches are ful woo bytidde.
Beatus uir cui non imputauit Dominus peccatum, nec est in spiritu eius dolus.
No synne, ne hath in goost no gyle;
For at grete prys [the gode Lord] settith
The man þat meneth neythir wrong ne wyle.
Bot he þat conscience vnknittiht
And yeuith no force it to defyle,
Ayens hym God his wepyn whettith
To wrekyn hym a litel while.
Quoniam tacui, inueterauerunt ossa mea, dum clamarem tota die.
Eldyd while I schuld cry al day;
I cry, and yit mooste more þanne ones,
To gete forȝifnes if that I may;
I haue mister to make mones,
That haue doon many a wylde outray;
I cry the mercy, Kyng of Thrones,
I haue trespassed, I say not nay.
Quoniam die ac nocte grauata est super me manus tua, conuersus sum in erumpna mea, dum configitur spina.
On me thy honde w[ei]s heuely,
And I am turned i[n] my woo,
Whiles thornes prykke[n] perlously.
Ther prykke[n] me perlously thornes two
Of synne and pyne, þis fele wele I;
And therfore, Lord, sithen it is soo,
I putt me al in thy mercy.
Delictum meum cognitum tibi feci, & iniusticiam meam non abscondi.
I haue noght hydde fro the my wrong;
In shrift shal I be alle a-knowen
Alle my mysdede, and morne among.
For certys, Lord, we trist and trowen
The welle of grace with stremys strong
Oute of thy faire flessh gan flowen,
When blood oute of thy hert[e] sprong.
Dixi: Confitebor aduersum me in-iusticiam meam Domino; & tu remisisti impietatem peccati mei.
Agayns my-self my wrong with-inne,”
And thow, Lord, as louely lech,
Forg[a]f the trespas of my synne.
Þanne spedith it noght to spare speche,
To cry on Crist wil I not blynne
That he ne take on me no wreche
For wordes ne werkes þat I begynne.
Pro hac orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore oportuno.
In tyme þat [is þer-to] conable;
For þei be trewe & I am ateynt,
Thei ben stedfast and I am vnstable.
Ther frenschip fonde I neuer feynt;
Thanne wil I pray, as thei ben able,
That thei wille mouthe my compleynt
To God þat is so merciable.
Verunptamen in diluuio aquarum multarum, ad eum non approximabunt.
To hym schal [thei] noght neghe nere,
Them nedith noght þat ben in wele
The water þat [vs wasches] here;
Bot we that alle day fro hym stele,
And wrath[en] hym that hath no pere,
If he wil vs fro harmes hele,
Vs nedith to [w]epe water clere.
Tu es refugium meum a tribulacione que circumdedit me; exultacio mea, erue me a circumd[antibus me].
That hath envyrounde me aboute;
[Mi ioye, delyvere me of thoo
That me biclippyn al aboute!]
The feendes fleen to and fro
To dampne me, this is no dowte;
But, Lord, when I schal hennys goo,
Kepe me fro that rewly rowte!
Intellectum tibi dabo, & instruam te in uia hac qua gradieris; firmabo super te oculos [meos].
And I schal teche the with-alle,
And, in the way that thou schalt wende,
On the myn eghen festyn I schal.
I am thy God, haue me in mynde,
I made the fre there thow were thralle;
That no dedely synne the schende,
Lat witte and wisdom be thi walle.
Nolite fieri sicut equus & mulus, quibus non est intellectus.
In whiche noon vndirstondyng is;
For so fare thei that ȝyuen no foors
If they doo neuer soo mykil mys.
Thenk that thy coruptible coors
Is noght but wormes mete i-wys;
Therfore in myrth haue thow remoors,
And euer among thenk wele on this.
In chamo & freno maxillas eorum constringe, qui non approximant ad te.
[The] chekes of hem þat neghes þe noght!
For certys, Lord, bot thow refreyne,
We schul do synne in euery thoght.
The world is noght but synne and peyne
And wrecchednesse þat men han wroght;
Of this meschief I me compleyne
To Ihesu that hath me dere boght.
Multa flagella peccatoris; sperantem autem in Domino misericordia circumdabit.
That to the synful schal be-tyde,
Bot he that is in God trostyng
Shal mercy kepe on euery syde;
Whan wrecches schul ther hondes wryng,
That were so ful of pompe and pryde,
Than schul the sauyd soules synge
For blys that they schul in abyde.
Letamini in Domino, & exultate, iusti; & gloriamini, omnes recti corde.
Ȝe that of ryghtful hert[e] be,
For he þat was on the rode spradde
Now sitteth in his fadres see.
In sight of hym schul we be [c]ladde
As aungels that bee bright [of] blee;
Ihesu, graunt vs to be ladde
So that we may that sight[e] see!
Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me, neque in ira tua corripias me.
Vptake me noght in thy hastynesse,
If I haue lyued as the is lothe,
Vnkynde aȝeins thy kyndenesse.
For wanton worde and ydel othe
And many a werk of wyckednesse,
I drede thy dome aȝeins me goth
Bot grace go with rightfulnesse.
Quoniam sagitte tue infixe sunt michi, et confirmasti super me manum tuam.
Thow hast seet fast on me thin honde;
And, as man with-oute myght,
I wexe weyk as is the wonde.
Bot, Lord, meyntyn thow thi right,
Supporte thi man that may not stonde,
And comfort thow thi febil knyght
That fer is flemyd oute of thy lond.
Non est sanitas in carne mea, a facie ire tue; non est pax ossibus meis, a fa[cie peccatorum meorum].
In presence of thi w[re]th[l]i face,
To my bones is pees ne wele
For synnes that me thus deface.
Therfore, when deth schal with me dele,
I se no help, Lorde, bot thi grace;
My wyld[e] will, my wittes frele
Eencombre me when I trespace.
Quoniam iniquitates mee supergresse sunt caput meum, sicut onus [graue] grauate [sunt super me].
The werkes of my wykkednesse,
And vp-on me synnes be throwen
As birdeyn of grete heuynesse.
I may me no[whe]r now bestowen
To hyde me fro thy hastynesse;
Neuertheles ȝit, as we trowen,
Thi mercy passeth rightwisnesse.
Putruerunt & corrupte sunt cicatrices mee, a facie insipiencie mee.
Before the face of my foly,
And, sithen I [fir]st in synne sank,
Can I noght bot mercy cry.
Now, Crist þat reysed hym þat stank,
The brothir of Marthe and [of] Mary,
So bryng me fro this brery bank
To heuen blys aboue the sky.
Miser factus sum & curuatus sum usque in finem; tota die contristatus ingrediebar.
Croked and careful yede al day;
Myrth may noon come in my mynde
When I thenk on my longe way.
I wote wele I mote hennys wende,
Bot whedir and when I can not say;
Therfore my boxom bakke I bende
That Crist me kepe, for he best may.
Quoniam lumbi mei impleti sunt illusionibus, & non est sanitas in carne mea.
And in [my] flesch ther is noon helth;
Therfore of grace sende me greynes,
That I may fle all fleschly felth.
Let neuer the feende with [al] his traynes
Stert vpon me with his stelthe,
To sett on me his firy ch[e]ynes,
For weldyng of this worldes welthe.
Afflictus sum, & humiliatus nimis; rugiebam a gemitu cordis mei.
I rorid for waylyng of my hert;
Oure foorme fadres a [for]warde breke;
Therfore alle we be woo-bygert;
And I ther-to my synnes eke;
What wonder if my hert[e] smert?
Therfore thy mercy, Lord, I seke,
For I may noght thy hand astert.
Domine, ante te omne desiderium meum, & gemitus meus a te non [est] absconditus.
My sorow is noght fro the hydde;
For, if my soule schuld be forlorne,
What were I better than beest or brydde?
Therfore, Ihesu, of Iewis boorne,
God and man in erthe kydde,
Lat neuer that tresoure be to-toorne,
That thow were fore soo sore betydde.
Cor meum conturbatum est in me; dereliquit me uirtus mea; & lumen oculorum meorum, & ipsum [non est mecum].
My vertu hath forsaken me,
Myn eghen sight with me now nys,
My Saueour may I noght see;
I erre al day and do amys,
I stomble as thei that blynde be,
And synne ywys is cause of this;
Mercy, Ihesu, for thy pitee!
Amici mei & proximi mei aduersum me appropinquauerunt & steterunt.
Neyghden and a ȝeinst me stode;
In welth a man may wysdom lere,
Bot wele were hym that vnderstode.
[N]ow frendes flokken euery-where,
As fowlys doon aftir ther fode;
Bot, be a man dede and broght on bere,
Many be feynt and fewe be gode.
[Et qui iuxta me erant, de longe steterunt; et vim faciebant qui querebant animam meam.
Thei strenghed hem that my sowle sought,
The world was fals, the fend was slygh,
The flesch dide so that me forthought.
Therfor to Godde than y fleygh
With lowly herte, and him besought
To yeve confort fro hevene an heegh
Of werkis that i hadde myswrought.]
Et qui inquirebant mala michi, locuti sunt uanitates, & dolos tota die med[itabantur].
Spekyn wordes al in vayn,
And alle the day, bothe late and rathe,
Thei thoght on gyle and vpon trayn.
Bot when thei fede moght and mathe,
And breres growen aboue her brayn,
Thanne schal the sothe hym-self vnswathe,
How synne hath many a soule slayn.
Ego autem, tanquam surdus, non audiebam; & sicut mutus non aperiens os suum.
And, as doumbe that [no mouth vndoth],
So sp[a]ryd I, and speche sperde;
Bot whan I spake I seyde soth;
For [he] that Iewes so foule with ferde,
That wote how euery gyl[e] goth,
Ful sore wil smyte with his ȝerde,
Bot men [a]mende hem þat mys-doth.
Et factus sum sicut homo non audiens, & non habens in ore suo [redarguciones].
Ne hadde in mouth noon opynnyng;
I saugh the synful gladde of chere,
And went[e] forth ful sore syghyng.
Bot, Lord, þat boghtest man so dere,
Let hym no blys in balys bryng,
But sende hym myght to amende hym here,
And graunt hym grace of vprysyng.
Quoniam in te, Domine, speraui, tu exaudies me, Domine Deus meus.
My Lord, my God, thow schalt me here,
For reuerence of that Lady fre
That ȝaf the soke and hath no pere.
To that Lady betake I me,
That woneth aboue the clowdes clere;
For, while sche sitte[th] neghe th[i] see,
I hope to spede of my preyer.
Quia dixi: Nequando supergaud[e]ant michi inimici mei; et dum commouentur pedes [mei, super me magna locuti sunt].
Let noght [vp me] my foos be gladde!”
For, while I stere my feet vnstable,
Vpon me thei grete wordes made.
Bot Crist, that art so comfortable,
Make her floures falle and fade,
And the to plese make me able:
In synne wil I no more waade.
Quoniam ego in flagella paratus sum, & dolor meus in conspectu meo semper.
My sorow is euer in my sight,
To do [h]is wille wil I gode letyn,
Aȝeins my God wil I noght fight.
Now, Lord, ȝat woldest blode [out] sweten
For hem þat to deeth were dight,
So sende me grace for to gretyn
Water þat may my hert[e] light!
Quoniam iniquitatem meam annunciabo, & cogitabo pro peccato meo.
And for my synne thenk I schal
How it is perilous to be prow[t]e,
And lecherie may lesyn alle.
Enuye and wrath of hert[e] stoute
Shal stand a man in litel stalle,
When he is clothed in a clowte,
To wonne [with]-in a wormys walle.
Inimici autem mei uiuunt, & confirmati sunt super me; & multiplicati sunt qui [oderunt me inique].
And strenghed on me myghtily;
Thei be encresyd many folde
That haue me hatyd wrongfully;
But Goddys Lombe, þat Iudas solde
For thritty pens vnrightfully,
[I] will pray to be in his folde,
To do his byddyng boxomly.
Qui retribuunt mala pro bonis detrahebant michi, qui sequeba[r] bonitatem.
For I good folowed, bakbytid me;
Bot thei þat thus falsly bakbyten,
Ful dredeful may ther hertes be;
For God schal alle ther wordes writen,
And schewe, þat alle the world schal see,
How scharply he schal [al] them smyten,
That wolde noght that vice fle.
Ne derelinquas me, Domine Deus meus; ne discesseris a me.
Depart thow me neuer the fro,
Hold vp thi hous þat thow hast wroght,
Forsake noght, Lord, my soule so!
This is thi woorde, thow hast it boght;
Elynges it were if thow were goo;
Therfore, Ihesu, lett neuer thoght
Ne worde ne dede part vs a-two.
Intende in adiutorium meum, Domine, Deus salutis mee.
My Lord, my God, and al my helth!
Be neghe me, Lord, whan I haue nede,
And wysse me whan I am in welth.
With gostely food[e] thow me fede,
And kepe me from al flesshly felth,
And graunt me grace for some gode dede
To so the fruyt of goostly telth.
Miserere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.
For thi mercy that mykil is;
Let thi pite spryng and sprede,
Of thi mercy that I noght mys.
After goostly grace I grede;
Gode God, thow graunt me this,
That I mote here my lyfe lede
So that I doo no more amys.
Et secundum multitudinem miseracionum tuarum, dele iniquitatem meam.
Lord, for-do my wykkednesse;
Help [me] for to hyde and hele
The blames of my bre[c]helnes.
Ȝif any strengh[e] wil me stele
Out of the close of thi clennes,
Wys me, Lorde, in wo and wele,
And kepe me for thi kyndenes.
Amplius laua me ab iniquitate mea, & a peccato me munda me.
And fro my gyltes clense me;
Enserche my soule bothe oute & ynne,
That it no more defoulyd bee;
And, as thyn hert[e] cleef a-twynne
With doolful deth on the rode tre,
So let me neuer werke begynne
Lorde, bot if it lyke the.
Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco, & peccatum meum contra me est semper.
And my synne is euer my sight agayne;
And therfore let thi pite growe,
Ihesu, þat were of Iewis slayne;
For ryche and pore, hygh and lowe,
And euer[y] wight, I am certayne,
On domesday, whan thow schal blowe,
Of thi mercy wil be fayne.
Tibi soli peccaui, malum coram te feci; ut iustificeris in sermonibus [tuis, et vincas cum iudicaris].
Wroght wikkedly and the not qwemed;
Þo werkys askys rightfully
Thow hast þe victory when þou art demed.
Demyd thow were wrongfully
For me þat haue [thi] f[eit]h for[y]emed;
Bot, Lord, let me neuer doo why
That I be fro thi face flemed.
Ecce enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum, & in peccatis concepit me mater mea.
Of my moder, as men ere [a]lle;
Of my fadir noght I receyued
Bot boon and flesch freel to falle;
Bot sithen thi flesch, Lorde, was perceyued,
Where it was leyd ful streyt in stall,
Was ther noon synful man deceyued,
That wolde on[to] thi mercy calle.
Ecce enim ueritatem dilexisti; incerta & occulta sapiencie tue manifestasti michi.
And schewed me conseil of thi witte,
How thorow mercy and thorow myght
Two kyndes been to-gedir knytte:
[Thral is fre and knave is knyght],
God is man, as gospel writte,
And, if my soule in perell is pyght,
Mercy, God, and help thow itt!
Asperges me, Domine, ysopo, & mundabor; lauabis me, & super niuem dealbabor.
And as the snowe I schal be quyte;
For, if my soule in synne synk,
With wepying water it may be qwyte.
Deedly draghtes if I drynk,
Of repentaunce gyf me respyte;
For, on the trestly who-so thynk,
In worldes welth is no delyte.
Auditui meo dabis gaudium & leticiam, & exultabunt ossa humiliata.
Gladnes, to glade my boones meke;
In lowenes lerne me to leue;
Be noght to fer when I the seke;
And let me noght to deeth be dreue,
Derworth Lorde, I the beseke,
Til my synnes be foryeue
Of thoght and worde and dede[s] eke.
Auerte faciem tuam a peccatis meis, & omnes iniquitates meas dele.
Put al my wykkednes awey;
Greet is my gilt, gretter thi grace,
And elles fayleth oure f[ey].
Defautes many þat me deface
Makes me syng welaway
And crye mercy when I trespasse;
I woot ther is noon othir [wey].
Cor mundum crea in me, Deus, & spiritum rectum innoua in uisceribus meis.
A rightful goost in me renewe,
Fro seuen synnes make me schene,
Where-so thow goo þat I may sewe.
Allas! thi t[our]ment and thi tene
Made thi brest and bak al blewe;
Now g[rau]nt[e], Crist, it may be sene
With-inne my hert, thy hydouse hewe!
Ne proicias me a faci[e] tua, & spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me.
Take noght awey thi holy goost;
For in the sight of that ymage
Is fulsomnesse and myrth[e] moost.
I haue ben wylde & doon outrage,
Vnwisely wroght, as thow wele woost;
Therfore sende me some corage
To fight agaynes the fendes oost.
Redde michi leticiam salutaris tui, et spiritu principali confirma me.
And strenght me with thi spirit cheef;
Alle my fyue wittes thow wysse,
That I may lyf as the is leef;
And, as thow may my langour lysse,
That broghtest man to grete bonchef,
So lat me neuer mercy mysse
When I am greuyd with goostly greef.
Docebo iniquos uias tuas; & impij ad te conuertentur.
Th[e] synful schal to the conuert;
Synful man, beware of wreche,
And thenk on Crist with al thin hert,
How he become thi louely leche,
And for thi sake ful sore smert;
Ther was no scorne ne spytouse speche,
Dispite ne strook þat hym astert.
Libera me de sanguinibus, Deus, Deus salutis [mee, et exultabit lingua mea iusticiam tuam].
Almyghty God of alle my helth;
Than schal my tonge be myry of moode
To telle[n] of thi ryghtful telth.
Thi ryghtful bloode ran doun on rode,
That wasshe vs fro oure flesshly felth,
And many a storme agayne [thow] stoode,
To wys vs fro the worldes welth.
Domine, labia mea aperies; & os meum annun[ciabit laudem tuam].
And my mouthe schal thi preysyng spelle;
Thi mercy and þi myght alsoo
Parfitely can no man telle;
For, whanne we dedely synnes doo,
Thei vs demen to goo to helle;
Bot, whanne we sees & can sey ‘hoo!’,
Thi mercy is oure wasshyng welle.
Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, dedissem utique; [holocaustis non delectaberis].
I had it ȝeuen with hert[e] fre;
Bot thow schal haue noon lykyng
In sacrifyce of that degree;
For thow were offrid vp hongyng
For mannes sake on rode tree,
And of thin hert gan bloode oute sprynge,
Wherfore my hert I offre the.
Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus; cor c[ontritum et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies].
The goost þat is [a]greuyd sore;
Meke hert schal thow noght despice,
Whiles repentaunce may it restore.
I haue forslowthid, Lorde, thi seruice,
And litel leuyd aftir thi lore,
Bot now I repent and aryse;
Mercy, Ihesu, I wil no more.
Benigne fac, Domine, in bona uoluntate tua [Sion, ut edificentur muri Ierusalem].
Þat Ierusalem walles were vp wroght;
Ierusalem, as saith seint Ion,
Is Holy Chirche, þat errith noght.
Too testamentes cordyng in oon,
Thise were walles to-gedir broght,
When Crist hym-self was corner stoon,
That mannes soule had dere boght.
Tunc acceptabis sacrificium iusticie, [oblaciones et holocausta; tunc imponent super altarem tuum vitulos].
Of ryghtwysnesse and treuthe entier,
And calueren aftir thy precepte
Sall men leyn on thine autier.
On Caluarie a calf there crepte,
Crist on crosse both clene and clere;
For teris that his modir wepte,
He schild vs fro the fendes fere!
Domine, exaudi oracionem, & cla[mor meus ad te uehiat].
And to the lat come my cry;
Wouchesauf to lysten and here
The moon that I make mekely.
To cry on the with careful chere
There [nedith] noon so mykil as I;
Therfore my steuen strenght and stere,
That I noght speke vnspedely.
Non auertas faciem tuam a me; in quacunque [die tribulor, inclina ad me aurem tuam].
Bowe doun thin ere when me is wo,
Lat growe greynes of thi grace
That quencheth synnes and peynes also;
In wey of charite thow me chace,
[Thi] feyth lat me noght falle fro,
And help me þat I noght trespace
Vp hope of mercy neuer moo.
In quacunque die inuocauero te, uelociter [exaudi me].
Redely thow listen me,
For ryghtful ere thi werkes alle,
Bot mercy is thy propyrte;
Therfore if I frely falle
In-to synnes that I schuld fle,
Putt me noght oute of thy halle,
But help me turne agayn to the.
Quia defecerunt sicut fumus die[s] mei, [et ossa mea sicut cremium aruerunt].
That faylide and a-weyward hyȝede;
My boones [ben] dryede and forsoke,
Ryȝt as a þing þat is forfryede:
Of Crist may wele þese wordis be spoke,
That on the crois was doon and driede;
Whanne his blysful brest was broke,
For drouthe and þriste lowde he cryede.
Percussus sum ut fenum, & aruit cor meum, quia oblitus sum comedere panem meum.
Myn herte waxide drye and deed,
For I forgate what maner of way
That I schulde ete myn owne breed.
To peyne me was al þeir play,
They þraste þornes þoru myn heed,
Dispitously þanne spedden they
With blood to make my body reed.
A uoce gemitus mei adhesit os meum carni mee.
Vn-to my fleisch my boones can schrynke;
[Y say my cosyn Jon mornynge],
I say my modir in swownynge synk;
I herde a theef me scoornynge;
Galle and eisel was my drynk;
I wepte as a child of ȝeris ȝing,
On þis myscheef whenne I can þink.
Similis factus sum pellicano solitudinis; factus sum sicut nicticorax in domicilio.
That vpon wylde[r]nesse hym-silf sleeþ,
So redily to the roode I ran,
For mannys soule to suffre deeþ;
And, as þe nyȝt-crowe in hir hous can
By nyȝt[e] se to holte and heeþ,
So purposide I to saue man,
For hym I ȝaf my goost and breeþ.
Vigilaui, et factus sum sicut passer solitarius in tecto.
That in þe roof restiþ solitarye;
Vpon þe tre my neest was narowe,
There-on myȝte I no briddis carye.
As erþe is hurlyd vndir harowe,
So was þe fleisch þat sprang of Marye;
In þis world [is] noon so scharp arowe
As was þe turment that [me gan tarie].
Tota die exprobrabant michi inimici mei, et qui laudabant me aduersum me iurabant.
Men that myn enemyes were,
And þo that preysiden me biforne
Aftirward aȝeyns me swere.
Thanne was I to-tuggid and to-torne,
Foot and hond, iȝen and eere,
To ech a lyme lijf [hadde] lorne;
Myn heed þei corownyd wiþ þorn of brere.
Quia cinerem tanquam panem manducabam, et potum meum cum fletu miscebam.
Wiþ wepyng I mengide my drink among,
For loue of man me þouȝte it swete
To suffre scoorn and sorowe strong;
For, siþen Adam the lawe lete
Thoru hir þat of his rib[be] sprong,
Was neuere man to mercy meete
Til I hadde suffrid wo and wrong.
A facie ire [et] indignacionis tue, quia eleuans allisisti me.
Thow droue me down wiþ vprisyng,
Fadir, I was to thi plesaunce
Lyfte up as God in God dwellyng;
But, for to stynte al disturbaunce
Of man þat synnede not ceessyng,
Thow droue me adoun to chese a chaunce,
As man for man the deeþ takyng.
Dies mei sicut vmbra declinauerunt, & ego sicut fenum arui.
And I wexide drye as dooþ the gras;
I wente as man with-outen myȝt,
Where-so I trad was blody tras.
Whanne I þus deolfully was diȝt,
That neuere dyde ony trespas,
Centurio seyde, “We doon vnriȝt,
For truly Goddis Sone this was.”
Tu autem, Domine, in eternum permanes, & memoriale tuum in generacionem et generacionem.
Thy mynde abidiþ in euery kynde;
For thi Godheed was noyed neuere,
There was no þing þat þee myȝte scheende.
Th[i] manheed myȝte men wel disseuere,
Therof þei made a ruful eende,
Therfore ech man is þee the leuere,
That þis mater haþ wel in mynde.
Tu exurgens, Domine, misereberis Syon, quia tempus miserendi eius, quia venit tempus.
For tyme is come of hir mercy;
Syon is Holy Chirche trewe
Of men þat lyuen Cristenly.
A stidefast seed in hir þou sewe,
And tauȝtist hir so tendirly
How þat sche schulde synne eschewe
And loue thee moost hertily.
Quoniam placuerunt seruis tuis lapides eius, & terre eius miserebuntur.
And on hir þei schulen haue pyte;
Crist, corner stoon, xij stoones pykide,
[His] xij apostlys for to be.
They haue hem-silf a dongeoun dikide
In Syon, as men may se,
That whoso be with synne entrikide
May sauely to þat strengþe fle.
Et timebunt gentes nomen tuum, Domine, & omnes [reges] terre gloriam tuam.
Alle erthely kynges doute thi blisse,
That privest princes of here pryde,
That wantounly here wittes wisse.
Right as the lust thu maist men lede,
Save and sle and langour lisse,
But wo is hym that doth that dede
Wherfor he mot thi mercy mysse.
Quia edificavit Dominus Syon, et videbitur in gloria sua.
And yn his blisse hit schal be sowen
Wan holi chirche be maad on
Yn hevene as we triste and trowen;
And we schulle to gladnesse goon,
That in grace on grounde now growen;
Graunte God that y be on
That be noght out of hevene throwen!
Respexit in oracionem humilium, et non sprevit precem eorum.]
And not dispiside her preyer;
But hem þat are of herte hiȝ
Ne be not to him so leef and dere
As tho þat alle vices fliȝ.
Of Ihesu Crist a man may lere,
For he to noon estaat ne stiȝ,
But euere was low in word & chere.
Scribantur hec in generacione altera, populus qui creabitur laudabit Dominum.
Thanne schal preise God þe peple vnbore,
For who-so may þese wondris wyten
Ouȝte to þanke God þerfore;
And þat is for we falsly flyten,
Hys fair[e] flesch was al to-tore;
For mannys sake so sore smyten
Was neuere noon siþen ne bifore.
Quia prospexit de excelso sancto suo; Dominus de celo in terram aspexit.
To erþe oure Lord say out of heuene,
He say man walke vndir þe weiȝt
Of alle þe deedly synnes seuene;
He say man þoru þe feendis sleiȝt
Lygge slepynge in [a] synful sweuene;
Therfore he vouchide saaf to fiȝt
To God and man were oonyd euene.
Ut audiret gemitus compeditorum, ut solueret filios interemptorum.
Of hem that were in care bounde,
And to vnbynde the kynde of þo
That were killid wiþ deedly wounde,
For þese causis and for mo
Was God maad man to go on grounde;
Therfore men schulden not falle him fro,
For he suffride for hem many a stounde.
Ut annuncient in Syon nomen Domini, & lauden eius in Iherusalem.
Oure Lordis name þat holy is,
And in Ierusalem hys preisyng preche,
Hym-silf he cam and tauȝte þis.
Þere may no wiȝt wiþstonde his wreche,
There is no nay þere he seith ȝhis;
Therfore preise we hym wiþ speche,
And drede we him to doon amys.
In con[u]eniendo populos in vnum, et reges ut seruiant Domino.
And of kyngis God to serue,
To be stidefast as is the stoon,
In his seruice þat we not s[w]erue,
The wey of truthe we schulde goon,
To trecchery we schulde not [t]erue,
And, if we dide þus euerichoon,
There schulde no care oure cumfort kerue.
Respondit ei in via virtutis sue: Paucitatem dierum meorum nuncia michi.
“Telle me þe lytilheed of my dayes.”
Þus answeriþ ech a Cristen knyȝt
That ȝeueþ no force of riche arayes;
For he þinkiþ how deeþ is diȝt,
To a-saye ech a man with scharpe asayes;
He haldiþ to God his herte vpriȝt,
And feri[þ] him not of siche afrayes.
Ne reuoces me in dimidio dierum meorum; in generacione[m] et generacionem anni tui.
Of my dayes þoru-out þe ȝheer,
For þei slyden as mydday meel,
And passen as þe cloudis cleer.
There ys no surete [ne] no seel
Of mannys lijf while he is heer;
Therfore, Ihesu, þat knowist me freel,
Wisse me whanne I am in weer.
Inicio tu, Domine, terram fundasti; & opera manuum tuarum sunt celi.
Thin handwerkis ben heuenes alle,
Al þis world, þat is so rounde,
Of creaturis grete and smalle.
Thou hast hem pynned in a pounde,
Wiþ-oute warde of wouȝ or walle,
And, while þou list, þou sauest hem sounde
And, whanne þou wilt, þei schulen doun falle.
Ipsi peribunt, tu autem permanes; et omnes sicut vestimentum veterascent.
Alle schulen eelde liyk a clooþ,
Al vanyte þou schalt down felle,
And make it leef þat now is looþ;
For þere is no tunge that can telle
What peyne it is to se þee wrooþ,
Whanne þou schalt close þe gates [of] helle,
And curse[n] alle þat þidir gooþ.
Et sicut oportorium mutabis eos, et mutabuntur; tu autem idem ipse es, & anni tui non deficient.
Hem chaunge, and þei schulen chaungid be;
But alwey þou art riȝt parfiȝte,
Thi ȝeeris schulen not fayle þee;
Þerfore whanne þou hast maad us qwyte
Thoru myȝt of inmortalyte,
Þanne schalt þou be al oure delyte
To se þi myȝtful magiste.
Filij seruorum tuorum habitabunt; & semen eorum in seculum dirigetur.
And in al þe world her seed schal sprede;
For ceertis þei ben not [v]nsure,
That þee wil serue in word & deede.
Þerfore now, Ihesu, do þi cure,
Ne dampne us not whanne we ben dede,
But, eer we passe, make us pure,
To þe lond of lijf [þat] þou us lede.
De profundis clamaui ad te, Domine; Domine, exaudi vocem meam.
Lord, Lord, listne þe voys of me!
This depe prisoun þat I in abyde,
Breke it up, Lord, for thy pyte!
Be þou my socour and my gyde,
My goostely Lord, to whom I fle,
And lete oute of þin herte ryde
That I haue doon aȝeyn[e]s þee.
Fiant aures tue intendentes in uocem deprecacionis mee.
Vnto þe vois of my preyere,
For wel I woot þou hast likynge
In man [þat] þou hast bouȝt so dere;
Therfore, what euere I rede or synge,
Listen it, Lord, wiþ louely chere,
And vouche saaf at myn askynge
My conscience to clense and clere.
Si iniquitates obseruaueris, Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit?
Lord, Lord, who schal susteyne?
For, by þe lawe of riȝtwijsnesse,
Eendelees þanne were oure peyne.
But euere we hope to þi goodnesse,
Whanne þou schalt al þis world affreyne,
With mercy and wiþ myldenesse
Thi riȝtful doom þou wilt restreyne.
Quia apud te propiciacio est; & propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.
I haue þee suffrid, Lord, for þi lawe,
Thi lawe schal al vnriȝt redresse,
Was neuere seyd no soþir sawe;
Therfore, whanne thou schalt bodies blesse,
And deede men out of her dennys drawe,
Ihesu, þat sauerist al swetnesse,
Lete no feend oure goostis gnawe.
Sustinuit anima mea in uerbo eius; sperauit anima mea in Domino.
In God my goost haþ had his trist;
For synne is scharp as knyues oord,
And makiþ hem lame þat liggiþ in lust;
Therfore, Ihesu, thou louely lord,
Þere I am roten, rubbe of þe rust,
Or I be brouȝt to schippis bord,
To sayle in-to þe sale of dust.
A custodia matutina usque ad noctem, speret Israel in Domino.
Lete Israel triste in God and trowen.
Israel bitokeneþ ech a wiȝt
That God schal se and goostly knowen.
To þis ech Cristen man haþ riȝt,
Þat wole his strengþe wel bistowen;
He may be sikir, as God haþ hiȝt,
That heuene blisse schal be his owne.
Quia apud Dominum misericordia, & copiosa apud eum redempcio.
And plenteuous raunsum is hym wiþ;
He payede for us his owne body,
In foorme of breed boþe lyme and lith;
Ceertis for oure sake oonly
He was feynt as fowen in frith,
So þat synful may sikirly
At hym gete grace and grith.
Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius.
Fro hise mysdeedis euerilkone,
Whanne we schal rise in flesch & felle,
And efte be cloþid in blood and boone.
Thanne schal þe feend, þat is so felle,
Fer be flemyd & alle oure foone,
And gode men schulen in heuene dwelle;
God ȝeue us grace þat we so doone!
Domine, exaudi oracionem meam. Auribus percipe obsecracionem meam in ueritate tua, & exaudi me in tua iusticia.
Wiþ eeris my preyer þou perseyue,
In soþfastnes þou heere my soun,
And in þi riȝt þou it resseyue!
Ihesu, þat regnest in þi regyoun,
For hir loue þat þee can [con]seyue,
Late neuere þe feend us drawe doun,
Ne dreedful deuel us disseyue!
Et non intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo, quia non iustificabitur in conspectu tuo [omnis uiuens].
For no lijf schal be iustifyed
In þi siȝt, ne nouȝt [þ]e faunt
That þis day first in cradil cried.
For us schal plete no seriaunt,
Al sotilte schal ben a-spyed;
So wel is hym þat kepiþ couena[un]t,
For word and werk al schal be tryed.
Quia persecutus est inimicus meus animam meam, humiliauit in terra [uitam meam].
My soule, and lowide my lijf in lond,
For, [when] I myȝte synne haue eschewid,
My wil to wi[r]k[e] wolde I not wond.
But, Lord Ihesu, þat art endewid
Wiþ grace, þou brynge me out of boond,
And sende me grace to be vertued,
So þat I may þe feend wiþstoond.
Collocauit me in obscuris, sicut mortuos seculi. Et anxiatus est super [me spiritus meus; in me turbatum est cor meum].
As þei þat in þis world ben dede;
My goost was greeuyd vpon me,
Astonyed was myn herte for drede.
This ilke sorowe anoon I se,
Whanne I haue doon a deedly deede;
Therfore, Ihesu ful of pytee,
In þis myscheef me rule and rede!
Memor fui dierum antiquorum; meditatus sum in omnibus operibus tuis; in factis manuum tuarum meditabar.
Of alle þi werkis I me biþouȝte,
How synfully þat Iudas soolde
Hym þat [þis world with hondis] wrouȝt.
With greet penaunce gaderide his foolde
That scheparde þat oure soulis bouȝt;
Þe cumfort of oure cares coolde,
Of [C]rist it cam, for he it brouȝt.
Expandi manus meas ad te; anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi.
My soule is lijk lond watirlees;
I may not wepe, I am so badde,
So bareyn and so sorowlees.
Synne constreyneþ me ful sadde;
Therfore I preye þe, prince of pees,
Helpe me þat I summe teris hadde,
That goostly fruyte [myȝte haue] encrees.
Uelociter exaudi me, Domine; defecit spiritus meus.
The goost of me forsoþe haþ failid,
For I haue ben ful looþ to lerne
Þing þat myȝte me haue avayled;
But, Lord, þat openest þi posterne
For hem þat for þee han trauaylid,
I hope þou wilt no bonde sperne,
Þat is wiþ sorowe of synne assayled.
Ne auertas faciem tuam a me, & similis ero descendentibus in lacum.
I schal be lijk hem þat fallen in lake.
Þe dampnyd men may wel sey so,
That are bitauȝt þe feendis blake.
But lete me, Lord, be noon of þo;
Thinke how þou diedist for my sake,
And graunte me grace, eer þat I go,
Of my trespas amendis make.
Auditam fac michi mane misericordiam tuam, quia in te speraui.
For I haue had on þee myn hope.
Helpe þat I were out of [h]orowe,
And alle þat þere-ynne are lope.
Lord, þou suffridist schame & sorowe,
And bled[dist] manye a blody drope;
Fro goostli bondis þou me borowe,
That I were out of synne crope.
Notam fac michi uiam in qua ambulem, quia ad te leuaui animam meam.
For I my soule to þee haue lift;
Þis worldis welþe haþ [soone] an eende,
And takiþ a-wey [a] mannys þrift.
Þerfore, Ihesu curteys and kynde,
Whos herte was on cros [y]-clift,
Late neuere feend oure paþis blende,
Ne us bitraye neuere eft!
Eripe me de inimicis meis, Domine, ad te confugi; doce me facere voluntatem [tuam, quia Deus meus es tu].
For strengþe to þee fled am I;
Teche me þi wille to fulfille,
For-whi þou art my God oonli.
Down myn enemyes þou felle;
Resseyue me, Lord, to þi mercy,
That I may dreedlees in þee dwelle,
And þou, Lord, in me eendeleesly.
Spiritus tuus bonus deducet me in terram rectam. Propter nomen tu[um, Domine, uiuificabis me, in equitate tua].
Streiȝt in-to þe lond of riȝt,
And, for þi name in riȝtfulheede,
Thou schalt me make qwike & liȝt.
Þanne schal I dwelle[n] out of dreede
Where euere is day and neuere nyȝt,
For grisly goost schal þere noon grede
O[n] hem þat ben in blis[se] briȝt.
Educes de tribulacione animam meam; & in misericordia tua disperdes omnes inimicos meos.
Wiþ mercy my foo-men disp[arpl]ye,
And make þe deuel droupe & dare,
That he drawe me to no folye;
And, God, þat I be not [maad] bare
Of alle goodnes þat I can aspie,
[Ȝit], ȝit, Lord, abyde and spare,
Þat I be amendid or I dye.
Et perdes omnes qui tribulant animam meam, quoniam ego seruus tuus sum.
My soule, for I serue thee;
Late no more vppon me resen
Þe goostes þat han greeued me;
Sende me grace thee to plesen,
And vouche saaf, whanne doom schal be,
In-to þe kingdom of heuene me sey[s]en;
Þus graunte me, God in Persoonys þre!
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