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The Avncient Order, Societie, and Unitie Laudable, of Prince Arthure

and his Knightly Armory of the Round Table. With a Threefold Assertion frendly in fauour and furtherance of English Archery at this day. Translated and Collected by R. R. [i.e. Richard Robinson]

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1. S. Lancelot du Lac
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1. S. Lancelot du Lac

In Siluer Shield, Three Bandes of Blew
Hee bare, full valyant hee,
And ventrous was, one of the Cheefest
Approued in Cheualry:
Of Knights which did the Table Rounde
adorne with condigne prayse:
His factes and fame in bookes compilde
Are founde in these our dayes.