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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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To any Body.

I that ne're tasted the Castalian fount,
Or came in ken of the Thessalian Mount;
I that could ne're attaine to wet my lips,
With Tempes liquour, or sweet Aganipps,
Who neuer yet haue so much fauour won,
To purchase one carrowse from Helicon,
Who with good Poets dare compare no way
But one, which is in being poore as they;
And hauing neuer seene the Muses hill,
Am plentifully stor'd with want of skill,
Then Fount, or Mount, nor sacred treble trine,
Are no assistants in this worke of mine:
But ancient Isis current chrystall spring
Inspires my braine, and I her praises sing,
And Tame with Isis joynes his pearely streames,
Whose combination are my ample theames;
Though (for the most part) in the tracts I tread,
Of learned Camden, Speed, and Hollinshead,
And Draytons painfull Polyolbyon,
Whose fame shall liue, despight obliuion,
These are the guides I follow, with pretence
T'abbreuiate and extract their Quint-essence;


Nor can it be to them disparagement,
That I come after in the wayes they went,
For they of former writers followers be,
I follow them, and some may follow me;
And man to man a President is made
In Art or Science, mysterie or Trade,
As they before these Riuers bounds did show,
Here I come after with my Pen and row.