University of Virginia Library

In Approbation of this Worke.

In former Age, among Musicians rare,
Regard was had of Measures then in vse
And Characters; ordain'd by speciall care,
Least after-Cōmers should the same abuse,
But for as much as those Composers Sage
Occasion had not to apply each thing
Vnto the divers Humours which this Age
Hath studied out, and to the world doth bring:
I well approue this Authors Diligence,
Who by his Labour Characters hath found,
To shew what bare to fore by negligence
Hath beene omitted, and for certaine ground
To make that plaine, that wanting was before
In Measures, Times, Prolations well obseru'd.
Wherein his Commendations is the more,
His Songs, and Skill high Praise hath well deseru'd.