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A Pilgrimes Solace

Wherein is contained Musicall Harmonie of 3. 4. and 5. parts, to be sung and plaid with the Lute and Viols

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[Sweet stay a while, why will you rise?]

To my worthy friend Mr. William Iewel of Exceter Colledge in Oxford.
Sweet stay a while, why will you rise?
The light you see comes from your eyes:
The day breakes not, it is my heart,
To thinke that you and I must part.
O stay, or else my ioyes must dye,
And perish in their infancie.
Deare let me dye in this faire breast,
Farre sweeter then the Phœnix nest.
Loue raise desire by his sweete charmes
Within this circle of thine armes:
And let thy blissefull kisses cherish
Mine infant ioyes, that else must perish.