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A nursery of novelties in Variety of Poetry

Planted for the delightful leisures of Nobility and Ingenuity. Composed by Tho. Jordan

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An Induction.

When eighteen years had crucify'd our Pleasure,
With Civil Swords, by wasting Blood and Treasure;
When by the Power of a Schismatick brood
Religion's glorious face was in a Cloud;
After the mildest King the Sun e're saw
Was murther'd by imaginary Law:
When Cov'nants made to God, Angels, and Men
Were broke by those who fain would do't agen;
After they did the Bloody Corps Interr,
Of Praying, Preaching, Perjur'd Oliver;
When Parliaments were worn unto the stump,
And England's Head was ruled by a Rump;
When (blinde with sorrow) we began to grope,
When all were out of heart, and out of hope:
Then MONCK, the King of Gen'rals came forth
In a mysterious March out of the North,
To London City; where he and his Men
Pull'd down the Gates, but set them up agen:
When by his smiles he put hope in us all,
This Speech was spoken to him in this Hall.