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A New Volume of Familiar Letters

Partly Philosophical, Political, Historical, The Third Edition, with Additions. By James Hovvell

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A Hymne to the Blessed Trinity.


A Hymne to the Blessed Trinity.

To the First Person.

To thee dread Soveraign, and dear Lord,
Which out of nought didst me afford
Essence and life, who mad'st me man,
And, oh, much more a Christian,
Lo, from the centre of my heart
All laud and glory I impart.
To the Second.
To thee blessed Saviour who didst free
My soul from Satans tyrannie,
And mad'st her capable to be
An Angel of thy Hierarchy,
From the same centre do I raise,
All honour and immortal praise.
To the Third.
To thee sweet Spirit I return
That love wherwith my heart doth burn,
And these bless'd notions of my brain
I now breath up to thee again:
O let them redescend, and still
My soul with holy raptures fill.