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To Put out Claudius' Eyes a Comet Came
And 'fore his death, it raines down blood and Flame
On the Pretorian Souldiers Colours slide
From Heaven and Joves Temple opens wide.
At Nero's Table Lightning sits as Guest
And eats up all his Supper for him dresst.
The Earth too opes her mouth in Asia
And swollows up Leodicea, nay
Hierapolis with Coloss too which must
Cover their farings up under her dust
A fearfull Sight! Shall towns be buride quick
O! Greedy gut: is this an honest trick?
It raind in Alban now much blood to dy
The Rivers red. The Seas now backwards fly
From Egypt And Lycia much ore'flow
Seekes out new Tents and doth its old foregoe.
What excrements didst thou oh Cyprus poure
When thy wide Jaws did thy three towns devour.
In year the first wherein Vespation reignd
And in his second yeare the Plague obtaind
Its pleasure so in Rome that many dayes
Then every day it its ten thousand slayes.