Florus Britannicus Or, an Exact Epitome of the History of England, From William the Conquerour to the Twelfth Year of the Reign of his Sacred Majesty Charls the Second, now flourishing. Illustrated with their perfect Portraictures ... By Mathew Stevenson |
Henry the First, King of England.
Florus Britannicus | ||
Henry the First, King of England.
Robert's abroad, still roving for renowne,And now a second time forfeits his Crowne;
Which Henry his Brother means to weare,
At the old rate three thousand Marks a year;
Whose Eyes he now puts out incontinent,
Lest he should see his bargain and repent.
He that allows his Brother none now dyes,
Surfeiting of a Fish abounds with Eyes.
Crowns no Relation know; they oft have stood
Close cemented to Cæsar's Head with bloud.
Thus to the Crown the third Descent does fail
The Conquerour, and all his Issue Male.
Florus Britannicus | ||