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Devovt Rhapsodies

In Which, Is Treated, of the Excellencie of Divine Scriptvres ... By J: A: Rivers [i.e. John Abbot]

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To his honoured Friend, Mr. Rivers,

Upon his Holy Rhapsodies.

VVho 's this? who like the rosy-fingred Morne,
Is thus from Mountaine unto Mountaine borne:
Whose mystick locks charg'd with the drops of nights,
On us below hurle beames inrich't with lights?
Is it that soule, which having Iordan past,
Pure Iordan, made such an ambitious hast
To passe like Israel through the bloody maine,
In hope another Baptisme to obtaine?
It is the same, whose Rhapsodies unfold,
Sweet Raptures, Raptures which in cups of gold,
To us Cælestiall Constellations hold.
Would all thus Poetize, who would refuse,
To celebrate the straines of such a Muse?
George Fortescue.