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3. Of May.
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3. Of May.

May is the moneth maist amene
For thame in Venus scheruice bene,
To recreat thair havy hartis:
May caussis curage frome the splene,
And every thing in May revartis.
In May the pleasant spray vpspringis;
In May the mirthfull maveiss singis;
And now in May to madynnis fawis,
With tymmer wechtis to trip in ringis,
And to play vpcoill with the bawis.
In May gois gallandis bring in symmer,
And trymly occupyis thair tymmer,
With “Hunts vp” every morning plaid.
In May gois gentill wemen gymmer,
In gardynnis grene thair grumis to glaid.
In May quhen men ȝeid everichone,
With Robene Hoid and Littill Johne,
To bring in bowis and birkin bobbynis:
Now all sic game is fastlingis gone
Bot gif it be amangis clown robbynis.
Abbotis by rewll, and lordis but ressone,
Sic senȝeouris tymis ourweill this sessone;
Vpoun thair vyce war lang to waik,
Quhais falsatt, fibilnes and tressone,
Hes rung thryis oure this zodiak.
In May begynnis the golk to gaill;
In May drawis deir to doun and daill;
In May men mellis with famyny,
And ladeis meitis thair luvaris laill
Quhen Phebus is in Gemyny.


Butter, new-cheis, and beir in May,
Cōmamis, cokkillis, curdis and quhay,
Lapstaris, lempettis, mussillis in schellis,
Grene leikis, and all sic men may say,
Suppois sum of thame sourly smellis.
In May grit men within thair boundis,
Sum halkis the walteris, sum with houndis
The hairis owt-throwch the forrestis cachis,
Syne efter thame thair ladeis foundis,
To sent the rynnyng of the rachis.
In May frank archeris will affix
In place to meit: syne marrowis mix,
To schute at buttis at bankis & brais;
Sum at the reveris, sum at the prikkis;
Sum laich and to beneth the clais.
In May sowld men of amouris go,
To serf thair ladeis, and no mo,
Sen thair releis in ladeis lyis;
For sum may cum in favouris so,
To kiss his loif on buchone wyis.
In may gois dammosalis and dammis
In gardyngis grene to play lyk lammis;
Sum at the bairis thay brace lyk billeis;
Sum rynnis at barlabreikis lyk rammis,
Sum round abowt the standand pilleis.
In May gois madynis till Lareit,
And hes thair mynȝonis on the streit,
To horss thame quhair the gait is ruch:
Sum at Inche-bukling-bray they meit,
Sum in the middis of Mussilburch.
So May and all thir monethis thre,
Are hett and dry in thair degre;
Heirfoir ȝe wantoun men in ȝowth,
For helth of body now haif E,
Nocht oft till mell with thankless mowth.


Sen every pastyme is at plesure,
I counsale ȝow to mel with mesure,
And namely now, May, June, & Julij,
Delyt nocht lang in luvaris lesure,
But weit ȝour lippis & labor hully.