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Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

And Other Pieces from Laing MS. No. 447: Supplementary Volume: Edited with Introduction, Appendices, Notes, and Glossary by George Stevenson

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All reddie as al reddie I have bene,
All reddie shall I be quhill lyf may lest;
All reddie evir sorrow to sustene,
On land and sey, at large or fetterit fast;
In trubleous tyme, in boist of fortounes blast,
In heich estate, or ȝit in law degree,
In wea[l]the or woe, in healthe or secknes cast,
As I have bene al reddie shall I bee.
Then if my dewtie may deserve sick fee,
Forget not me quhois hart is whoillie ȝouris,
Quhois lyf and deathe sayis bot, forget not mee,
Submitting all into your princelie poueris.
And since alreddie (Sir) I am your thrall,
Forget not me amangis your servantis all.