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Thir wordis few the Authour dois reheirs
Into this maner, speikand to his veirs.
My bony bill, of barbour language breuit,
Gif thow be euill, thow will be wors repreuit,
Be witles, vaine, enuyous Ignorantis,
Quhilk to speik euill, and do na gude thame hantis.
For sum will say, thy febill Eloquence
Is euill cullourit but Intelligence.
Sum will say this, sum utheris will say that,
And pairt will speik in deid, and wait not quhat.
Syne sum seditious craftie knaifis Inding,
Will say, perhaps, thow dois but fleiche the King.
Thus, gif thow heir fals knaifis calumniat the,
I pray the baith to say and sweir thay le!
Schaw to sic fuillis, quhair euer that thow fairis,
Thy mening gude, and honester than thairis.
Gif, for all this, they ceis not to maling,
Than say thow art ressauit of the King
Unto quhais serene Celsitude I send the:
Thay ar ouir pert, syne gif thay vilipend the:


ȝit of ane thing greitly thow may reiois
In Burgh, or land, quhair euer that thow gois,
All men of knawledge and Clerkis will cōmend the,
And honest folkis will euir mair defend the.
Fin de L'enuoy.