University of Virginia Library

ELEGIA. 3. Ad amicam.

I aske but right: let he that caught me late,
Either loue, or cause that I may neuer hate.
I aske too much, would she but let me loue her,
Ioue knowes with such like prayers I daily moue her.
Accept him that will serue thee all his youth,
Accept him that will loue with spotelesse truth,
If loftie titles cannot make me thine,
That am descended but of Knightly line.
Soone may you plow the little land I haue,
I gladly grant my parents giuen, to saue.
Apollo, Bacchus and the Muses may,
And Cupid who hath markt me for thy pray.
My spotelesse life, which but to Gods giue place,
Naked simplicity, and modest grace.
I loue but one, and her I loue, change neuer,
If men haue faith, I'le liue with thee for euer.
The yeares that fatall destinie shall giue,
I'le liue with thee, and dye, ere thou shalt grieue.
Be thou the happy subiect of my bookes,
That I may write things worthy thy faire lookes.
By verses horned Io got her name,
And she to whom in shape of Swanne Ioue came.
And she that on a fain'd Bull swamme to land,
Griping his false hornes with her virgin hand.
So likewise we will through the world be rung,
And with my name shall thine be alwayes sung.