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The Spectacle to Repentance

[by George Colclough]

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Good Reader yeld thy listing eare
let hart and minde be prest,
For thinges right wondrous thou shalt heare
and learne to choose the best.
Of euery thinge which nature wrought
with in mans mortall brain,
A Mirrour cleare is hither brought,
of his condicions plain.
Or ech misdeede which in him lurkes,
and how hee doth them vse:
And thou shalt see how all his workes
Gods preceptes do abuse.
And if that ought be done amisse,
then let me beare the blame
But if the truth expressed is,
do thou maintaine the same.
For sure as neare as I could gesse
the truth herein is set,
And that which I do here expresse,
from scriptures is it fet.
Wherfore iudge as it is in deede,
no other thing I craue:
And this a greater gift shall breed,
Which thou shalt surely haue.