University of Virginia Library

Boner speaketh.
My soule haue cleaued fast to the grounde,

Adhesit pauimento anima mea.

I haue fed like a swine, and liued like a hoūde
My thought it did me muche good,
In broilyng the christians, and shedyng blood

I haue shewed my waies, I haue shewed my waies

Vias meas annūciaui.

How well I loued the Romishe kaies

The reliques of Rome were my delight,
I was a maiden priest, and our ladies knight.

Viam iusti ficationum

Iustification I could not abide,

Specially if it came on Christes side:
I will clime heauen walles with Scala cœli,
And followe Alkoc, quondam bishop of Elie.

Dormitat āīa mea.

My soule now slepe in dreames and greues

My corps is buried emong false theues:
For my bodie and soule, th' apointed place,
Abusyng mercie, and refusyng grace.

Viam iniquitatis.

The waie of wickednes, I loued well,

In missyng of Purgatorie, perhaps to hell:
I beshrowe Dorbell, and Dunses harte,
Would I had been no bishop, but gon to carte.

Viam veritatis.

The waie of truthe, I did once take,

Whiche of malice, I did forsake:
And neuer since I did repente,
In despisyng the eternall testamente.

Adhesit testimonijs tuis.

I did sticke ones vnto Goddes lawes,

But to forsake it, I had no cause:
And hardned my harte, & stopped mine eares

And could not wepe repentant teares.
The waie of thy cōmaundmēt I might not bide

Viam mādatorum tuorum.

After that I was drunke with ye cup of pride,
But waxed lothly, foule, and fatte,
Like to cardinall Wolsey, with his red hatte.

Boner ende.