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Amorea, The Lost Lover

Or The Idea of Love and Misfortune. Being Poems, Sonets, Songs, Odes, Pastoral, Elegies, Lyrick Poems, and Epigrams. Never before printed. Written by Pathericke Jenkin

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To his esteemed friend Mr. P. J. On his Poems.
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To his esteemed friend Mr. P. J. On his Poems.

Aide me Ben Jonsons Ghost, come Cleavelands Spirit
Might I old Quarles his smoothness but inherit,
Or were I metamorphis'd for a while
Into some Lofty Poet, my poor stile:
Must needes come very short of thine, yet I,
Will pay my tribute to thy Poetrie,
Which if you do except, although a mite,
I'me sure tis full of love? though it want waight
T. M.