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or The Muses Mount. By Hugh Crompton

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I. Bacchus.


Come jolly God Bicchus, and open thy store,
Let the big-belly'd Grapes of their burden be eased:
Let thy liberality freely flow o're,
For 'tis by thy bounty that we are appeased.
It is Sack that we lack,
It is Sack that we crave;
It is Sack that we fight for, and Sack we will have.


Let pining Heraclytus drink of his Tear,
And sniv'ling Tymon lye sick in his cell;
And let the course Bumpkin preach law in his beer;
But 'tis Wine makes our fame and our glory to swell.
It is Wine makes divine
All our wits, and renownes
The Peasant with Scepters, the Shepherd with Crowns.



He that spends his money for honour, and climes
In the trees of triumph, may sit there and pause;
All he gets for his pains is the errour of times,
Nurst up by the Pandars of vulgar applause:
But the gold that is fold
For Canary, brings wit,
And there is no honour compared to it.


Some love to weare sattin, and shine in their silk,
Yet quickly their fashion will alter and vary;
Sometime they'l eat mutton, sometime they'l drink milk:
But I am for ever in tune for Canary.
It is sack that doth make
All our wants to be nothing,
For we do esteem it both meat, drink, and clothing.


A green goose serves Easter, with gooseberries drest;
And July affords us a dish of green peason;
A Collar of Brawn is New-years-tide Feast;
But sack is for ever and ever in season:
'Twill suffice all the wise
Both at all times and places,
It is a good friend to all tempers and cases.


Then farewell Metheglin, thou dreg of the hives,
And Cider, thou bastardly darling of Summer;
You dull the quick blood that Canary revives:
Then fill me a pottle of Sack in a rummer;
For Ile drink till each chink
Be full, and 'tis but reason;
And then I shall have no room to harbour treason.