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A record in rithme

being An Essay towards the Reformation of the Law, offer'd to the Consideration of the Committee appointed for that purpose ... VVritten by some men of Law, at a time when they had little else to doe [by Alexander Brome]

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And now until this day, that is to say,
On Munday three weeks after Michaels day
In this same Term, which very day untill
Roger had leave t'emparle unto that Bill,
And then to answer it; before the same
Keepers, as well the said Priscilla came,
I'th Court of Upper Bench, at Westminster
By that Attourney nam'd before, for her
As the aforesaid Roger who doth come
By his Attourney, A. B.
And doth defend the force and injurie,
VVhen, where et cetera. And saith that shee,
The said Priscilla, ought not maintain, nor
Have therupon her Suit against him, for
Protesting, not acknowledging, that shee
Is half so honest as shee'ld seem to bee,
Nor is her body, or her life so clear,
Nor so unspotted, as shee would appear;
Nor is shee of so chast a reputation,
As is pretended by her Declaration.
Protesting also that the said Ralph Seely
(Though oft together did both hee and shee lye)
Nere ment to Marry her, but all his power
Of love was quench'd in lesse than half an hour.
Besides hee'd quite undoe her, if he had,
His learning was so small his life so bad.
For Plea he saith that at the time, wherein
Shee does suppose these slandrous words t'have bin


Spoke by th'aforesaid Roger, shee the sayd
Priscilla was nor Widow, Wife, nor Mayd,
And though shee pass'd for an unbroken virgin,
Shee catch'd th'aforesaid Presbyter in her gyn;
And with his wall cy'd Saintship plaid the sinner,
Who b'ing inspir'd by a Thanksgiving dinner,
Did carnally her body know, to wit
The crime of Fornication did commit;
In the same Ward, and Parish, to his Honour,
He at on clap got 3 great Boys upon her.
All which for privacy were put to feeding,
At Bridewell and Pickbatch, to learn good breeding.
And she in recompence clap'd him so sore,
With Anglice French-POX, it made him rote,
And put his Genitalls in such a pickle,
That all his Parish women did article,
And out him of his Benefices twain,
And into Scotland made him trot again.
Wherefore (as lawfull 'twas) on this occasion,
He spake the words layd in the Declaration.
And this he Justifies, and judgment crave,
If she this suit ought to maintain or have.