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Divine Poems

Written By Thomas Washbourne

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To the Right honourable, My ever Honoured Lady, The Lady VERE.

To the Right honourable, My ever Honoured Lady, The Lady VERE.


Some of these Papers coming to your view,
Receiv'd incouragement from you,
You first commended them unto the Press,
And therefore I could do no less
Then give them these commands,
First that they kiss your hands,
Then at your Honours feet let them full low,
Confessing they their being to you owe.
Nor is this all, but let them further-say,
I owe you more, and more would pay
If I knew how; yet 'tis my hopes you will
Take this in part of the whole bill.
As patient Creditors use
Those Debtors, who their dues
Acknowledge, and by fair intreaty win
A longer day to pay their money in.