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Minerva Britanna

Or A Garden of Heroical Deuises, furnished, and adorned with Emblemes and Impresa's of sundry natures, Newly devised, moralized, and published, By Henry Peacham

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All eies behold, and yet not all alike,
Effects, and defects, both are in the eie,
As when an obiect gainst the eie doth strike,
Th' imagination straightwaies doth implie
Shapes, or what else the obiect doth present,
Weaker or stronger, as the sight is bent.
Within the minde two eies there are haue sight,
To iudge of thinges interiour hauing sence;
Foresight, and Insight; Iudgment makes them bright
And most perspicuous through intelligence.
Foresight, foreseeth harmes, that may ensue:
Insight, doth yeild to reason what is due.

Then let not men deeme all with corp'rall ei'ne,
Eies may deluded be by false illusions:
Eies may be partiall, eiesight may decline
By weakenes, age, or by abusions.
Pride, envie, folly, may the sight pervert,
And make the eie transgresse against the heart.
VVith outward ei'ne first view, and marke this booke,
Variety of obiects much will please;
VVith inward ei'ne then on the matter looke,
Foresee the Authours care, and little ease
T' invent, t' imprint, and publish for delight,
And for reward but craues your good insight.
Peacham my friend, I must confesse to thee,
My Insight is but weake; such as it is,
I verdict thus, no better worke I see
Of this same kinde, nothing I finde amisse,
If any fault there be, it is not thine,
The fault shall rest in mens imperfect ei'ne.
William Segar Garter. Principall king of Armes.