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John Lane's continuation of Chaucer's "Squire's Tale"

Edited from the original ms. version of 1616, Douce 170, collated with its ms. revision of 1630, Ashmole 53, by Fredk. J. Furnivall: With notes on the magical elements in Chaucer's "Squire's Tale", and analogues, by W. A. Clouston

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Thomas Windham, Kensfordiae, Somersettensis, armiger, ad authorem.

The ivie needes not, wheare theare is good wine,
nor thy booke, praises of my slender muse,
sithe love, truith, iustice, in it cleere doe shine,
which iron age hathe driven out of vse:
no tonge, nor penn, cann this thy verse abuse,
but Bayard blind, that drosse for gold dothe chouse/