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The Historie of Ivdith in Forme of a Poeme

Penned in French, by the Noble Poet, G. Salust. Lord of Bartas. Englished by Tho. Hudson

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[Since ye immortall sisters nine hes left]

Since ye immortall sisters nine hes left
All other countries lying farre or nere:
To follovv him vvho from them all you reft,
And novv hes causde your residence be here
VVho though a straunger yet he lovde so dere
This Realme and me, so as he spoilde his avvne,
And all the brookes & banks, & fountains clere
That be therein of you as he hath shavvne
in this his vvork: thē let your breath be blavvne,
In recompence of this his vvilling minde
On me: that sine may vvith my pen bee dravvne
His praise: for though himselfe be not inclynde
Nor preaseth but to touch the Laurer tre:
Yet vvell he merits crovvnd thervvith to be.