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The French Historie

That is; A lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Namelie; 1 The outrage called The winning of S. Iames his Streete, 1557. 2 The constant Martirdome of Annas Burgeus one of the K. Councell, 1559. 3 The bloodie Marriage of Margaret Sister to Charles the 9. Anno 1572. Published by A. D. [i.e. Anne Dowrich]

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The sharpest EDGE will soonest PEARSE and COME vnto AN end. Yet DOWT not, but be RICHE in hope, and take that I doo send. A. D.

Pvt not trust in fading earth pust vp with fainting staies;
Possesse the Lord, so shall you still persist in godlie waies.
Exalt your eies from common shapes, esteeme not of this pelfe;
Expresse in deeds what faith you haue, examine wel your selfe.
As windes disperse the wau'ring chaffe, and tosse it quite away;
All worldlie pompe shall so consume, and passe without delay.
Repleated oft with wandring change recount your life to be;
Remember wel, no blessed fruite remaines on cursed tree.
So shal you trace the perfect path saluation to attaine;
So shal you see this glittering glose set out to be but vaine.
Extinguish then the carnal course exempted from aboue;
Expell the qualmes of fond delights, excell in godlic loue.
Depart not from the liuing Lord, delight to read his word;
Delaie no time, for he doth still defend vs with the sword.
Giue to your God your soule & life, good gain insues thereby;
Grieue not the Spirit that warneth you great dangers for to flie.
Cast all your care on him alone, care for no other praie,
Considering he your greatest griefes can quicklie take awaie.
Of all things lent vnto this life one thing accompt the best,
Onelie the truth & feare of God, on which our souls must rest.
Make no accompt of trustles trash, molesting misers minde;
Mark how these maskers oftētimes much care & sorow finde.
Beware betimes of had I wist; be not these pleasures vaine?
Beleeue in Christ, and so you shall be sure to liue againe.