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Willobie His Avisa

Or The true Picture of a modest Maid, and of a chast and constant wife. In Hexamiter verse. The like argument wherof, was neuer heretofore published [by Henry Willoby]

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Abell Emet in commendation of Willobies Auisa.

To Willoby, you worthy Dames yeeld worthy prayse,
Whose siluer pype so sweetly sounds your strange delayes,
Whose lofty style, with golden winges remountes your fame,
The glory of your Princely sex, the spotles name:
O happy wench, who so she be if any be,
That thus deserud thus to be praisd by Willobie,
Shall I beleeue, I must beleeue, such one there is,
Well hast thou said, long maist thou say, such on there is,
If one there be, I can beleeue there are no more,
This wicked age, this sinfull tyme breeds no such store:
Such siluer myntes, such golden mines who could refuse?
Such offers made and not receu'd, I greatly muse.
Such deepe deceit in frendly shewes, such tempting fittes,
To still withstand, doth passe the reach of womens wittes:
You Country maides, Pean nimphes reioyse and sing,
To see from you a chast, a new Diana spring:
At whose report you must not frett, you may not frowne,
But rather stryue by due desert for like renowne,
Her constant faith in hot assaye hath wonne the game,
Whose praise shall liue, when she is dead with lasting fame:
If my conceit from strangers mouth may credit get,
A brauer Theame, more sweetly pend, was neuer yet.
Abell Emet.