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A Remembravnce of the wel imployed life, & godly end, of George Gaskoigne Esquire

who deceased at Stalmford in LincolneShire the 7. of October 1577. The reporte of Geor. Whetstons ... an eye Witnes of his Godly and charitable end in this world

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His Sean is playd, you folowe on the act,
Life is but death, til flesh, and blood be slain:

Good mē,

God graunt his woords, within your harts be pact

As good men doo, holde earthly pleasures vain.
The good for ther needs, Vtuntur mundo:
And vse good deeds, Vt fruantur Deo.
Contemne the chaunge, (vse nay abuse) not God,
Through holy showes, this worldly muck to scratch:
To deale with men & Saints is very od.


Hypocrisie, a man may ouer catch.

But Hypocrite, thy hart the Lord dooth see:
Who by thy thoughts (not thy words) wil iudge thee.

Careles Liuers.

Thou iesting foole, which mak'st at sin a face,

Beware that God, in earnest plague thee not:
For where as he, is coldest in his grace,
Euen there he is, in vengeance very hot.
Tempt not to far, the lothest man to fight:
When he is forste, the lustiest blowes dooth smight.


You Courtiers, check not, Merchāts for their gain,

you by your losse, doo match with them in blame:

The Lawyers life, you Merchants doo not staine,


The blinde for slouth, may hardly check the lame.
I meane that you, in Ballance of deceit:
wil Lawyers payze, I feare with ouer waight.
You Lawyers now who earthly Iudges are,


you shalbe iudg'd, and therfore iudge aright:
you count Ignorantia Iuris no bar,
Then ignorance, your sinnes wil not acquite.
Read, read Gods law, wt which yours should agre:
That you may iudge, as you would iudged bee.
You Prelats now, whose woords are perfect good,


Make showe in woorks/yt you your woords insue:
A Diamond, holdes his vertue set in wood,
but yet in Golde, it hath a fresher hue,
Euen so Gods woord, tolde by the Deuil is pure:
Preacht yet by Saints, it doth more heed procure.
And Reader now, what office so thou haue,
to whose behoofe, this breef discourse is tolde:
Prepare thy self, eche houre for the graue,

Readers ingenerall

the market eats aswel yong sheep as olde.
Euen so, the Childe, who feares the smarting rod:
The Father oft dooth lead the way to God.
And bothe in time, this worldly life shall leaue,
thus sure thou art, but know'st not when to dye:
Then good thou liue, least death doo the deceiue.
as through good life, thou maist his force defye.

For trust me man, no better match can make:
Then leaue vnsure, for certain things to take.
Viuit post funera Virtus.