The Trve Testimonie of a Faithfvll Svbiect Containing seuerall exhortations to all estates, to continue them in their due obedience: together with the reward of a faithfull subiect to his Prince. Also a thanksgiuing to God for the happie deliuery of the house of Parliament from the late horrible treason [by Richard Vennar[d] |
A Prayer for the Kings most excellent Maiestie, and our gracious Ladie Queene Anne.
The Trve Testimonie of a Faithfvll Svbiect | ||
A Prayer for the Kings most excellent Maiestie, and our gracious Ladie Queene Anne.
O glorious
God and onely King of Kings,
Whose holy eye both heauen and earth beholdeth:
And from whose mercy all and onely springs,
The fairest life that faithfull loue vnfoldeth:
Mine humble spirit I beseech thee raise,
To giue thy glorie all eternall praise.
Whose holy eye both heauen and earth beholdeth:
And from whose mercy all and onely springs,
The fairest life that faithfull loue vnfoldeth:
Mine humble spirit I beseech thee raise,
To giue thy glorie all eternall praise.
O gracious God, among the many graces,
Wherewith thy mercy hath this kingdome blest,
In whom the height of all our happie cases,
Vnder thine onely holy hand doth rest:
For our Liege (Lord) and mightie Brittains King,
Let our hearts humble thankefulnesse be seene.
Wherewith thy mercy hath this kingdome blest,
In whom the height of all our happie cases,
Vnder thine onely holy hand doth rest:
For our Liege (Lord) and mightie Brittains King,
Let our hearts humble thankefulnesse be seene.
Blesse him (ô Lord) with Nestors happie dayes,
Health, wealth and peace, and euerlasting pleasure:
Let vertues loue resound his worthy praise,
And thy true wisedome be his spirits treasure,
His greatest hopes vpon thy graces grounded,
His state preserued, and his foes confounded.
Health, wealth and peace, and euerlasting pleasure:
Let vertues loue resound his worthy praise,
And thy true wisedome be his spirits treasure,
His greatest hopes vpon thy graces grounded,
His state preserued, and his foes confounded.
Blesse also (Lord) our gracious Soueraignes Queen
With all the blessings of thy holy grace,
And let it neuer in this land be seene,
But in thy mercie they may both haue place:
Nor sweete Prince Henries fame die in obliuions pen:
To all of these true Brittans say Amen.
With all the blessings of thy holy grace,
And let it neuer in this land be seene,
But in thy mercie they may both haue place:
Nor sweete Prince Henries fame die in obliuions pen:
To all of these true Brittans say Amen.
The Trve Testimonie of a Faithfvll Svbiect | ||