University of Virginia Library

Of the Author.

The Greeke Comœdian fitly doth compare
Poets to Swannes, for both delitious,
Both in request, both white, both pretious are,
Both sing alike, and both melodious:
I but the swanne remaineth dumbe so long,
(As though her Musike were too good to spend)
That so at last her soule-enchanting song,
Is but a funerall dirge to her end.
Weeuer, herein aboue the Swanne I praise,
Which freely spends his sweete melodious dittie,
Now in the budding of his youthful daies,
Delightsome, pleasant, full of Art, and wittie,
Yet heauens forbid he should be neare his death,
Though like the dying Swanne he sweetly breath.
M. D.