Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter With Other Poetical Verses delightfull. For the further delight of the Reader, the Printer hath annexed hereunto the delectable Poeme of the Fisher-mans Tale [by Francis Sabie] |
Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter | ||
[It was in the moneth of May]
It was in the moneth of May,All the field now looked gay:
Little Robin finely sang,
with sweet notes ech greenwood rang.
Philomene forgetfull then,
Of her rape by Tereus done.
In most rare and ioyfull wise,
Sent her notes vnto the skies:
Progne with her bloody breast,
Gan in chimney build her neast.
Flora made each place excell
with fine flowers sweet in smell.
Violets of purple hue,
Primroses most rich in shew:
Vnto which with speedie flight,
Bees did flie and on them light.
And with Thyme loding their thyes,
Did it carie to their hiues.
Some it tooke, which they had brought,
And in combs it rarely wrought.
Fish from chrystall waues did rise,
After gnats and little flies:
Little Lambes did leape and play,
By their Dams in Medowes gay.
And assoone as Lucifer
Tyterus and Thirsis hight,
Through a lettice-seeing light,
Which did come from Ecus bright.
As they lay in drowsie beds,
Vp did lift their sluggish heads:
Hasting Sheep from fouldes to let,
Sheepe which bleated for their meate.
Sheepe let out from place to place,
Greedilie did plucke vp grasse.
And by chance as heards did meet,
Shepheardes did each other greete,
Thirsis looked verie sad,
As he some ill fortune had:
Tyterus first gan to speake,
And his mind in this sort break.
Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter | ||