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displayed by his workes Physicall and Meta-physicall, in a Poeme of diuerse forme. Adapted to the Hebrue text, the frame of Diuinitie, and Catholike exposition. Togither, With necessarie marginall notes for relieuing of the young student. The First Part. By Henoch Clapham

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[Before that Adam breath'd or being had]

The first day of Creation his worke, according to collection from sacred Scripture.

Before that Adam breath'd or being had:
Yer Behemoth, did graze and role in earth:
Yer fish did fleet, or foules in ayre did fly:
Yer Sunne & Moone did gouerne day & night
Yer Earth and Seas had taken Limits lot:
Yer Rakiagn did seuer waters twaine:
Yer light flasht forth of hideous darksome cell:
Yer Chaos rude, yer Nature, gan to moue:
Yer golden tyme rould out his motion:
Eternity did stretch it selfe 'yond all.
Aeternitie vnlimmitted of time:
A sacred nature, far beyond conceipt,
More then a nature, more then ought we know:
An onely Being, Being 'yond our pitch.
Fore whome the rudest consience trembles oft.
Him nations all with one consent call God;
And feeling haue of his most sacred presence:
A presence hating things which consience checks.
But 'fore ech creature was this creatures Cause
Nor was the thing, that was not Ælohim,
Tri-une Iehouah, onely God in all.
Heare bend thy quill to muse, but shun the maze
That swallowes sence as Whale did Israels Doue:
Three are but one, that one againe is three:
Tunfold this knot, what likelihood may be?

A knot yet felt of Latines and of Greekes:
A stump in nature lest though almost dead,
Which caus'd great Virgill and inforc'd Naso
In sacrifice to circuite Alter thrise:
Thrise to pronounce (one day that Fastus hight)
Grounding hereon: Numero deus impare gaudet.
Aegiptian Thulis asking Serapis,
Who greater gouernour might be? It said:
Theos, Logos, Pneuma, not seuered
But tending vnto one: Omnipotent.
Tria sunt omnia, hence deriued was:
And natures Clarke in 3., did place perfection.
And hereon growes our terme Tres-admirable,
Three-times diuine, with that Thrise-honorable.
Nor tongue nor Art, nor facts of men I wis
But secretly (though darkly) vtter this.
But thence descend to other creatures lore.
At mountaines foote I see a pipling Spring,
Deriued from the mountaines Spoonge vnseene:
From both proceeds a Riuer Christallyne,
Riuer and spring considered from within:
But that within considered of it selfe.
That first and thother yer of substance same:
Outward Respects yet yeeld a triple Name.
In Glorious Sunne (though One) we see a light
Begotten of the Body of the Sunne:
From both a vitall Heate proceedes amayne.
The Soule of man possessed is with minde,
With will and Action. All of selfe same time:
But Actions floes in order from the two:
The second facultie respects the first:
And minde begins the order, not the Time.
God is but One. Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Indeede are three: Distinct not seuered.
Father begets the Son, but yond all time:
The Holy Ghost proceedes from both direct:

But yond all time is all in Trinitie,
And Trinitie affords but Essence One,
And substance same, eterne, incircumscript,
So simple as beyond Creatures conceipt,
Sonne as the Word, the Spirit as the Breath,
Distinct in Father, but not seuered:
All making God, Iehouah Elohim,
To whome Similitudes can no more retch,
Then Moses coulde behold Great Ehiehs face.
Sufficeth it, that heare we see his back,
And write him with the Hebrues Triple-iod:
For Trinity, respects One onely God.
This Fountaine, Light and Spirite inuisible,
Pull in himselfe, Perfection and selfe-blis,
Beyond all time Decrees Times infancie:
And with the time, Place and the placed thing.
In that decree whole creatures course was laid,
And firmely fastned by his prouidence.
Euen as we in an Horologue or clocke,
Perceiue first wheele to draw the second on:
The second puls the third: the third a fourth.
One runs this way, another opposit:
A double motion yea and contrary,
Draw as they shall they sound the Authors wil.
And though that man, in that his worke may faile,
yet Elohim vnlyable to salt:
What he decrees and wills, none can resist:
Nor deuels, nor men, nor height, nor depths be sure:
And that his will, is perfect iustice pure.
In Trinities great parliament all don:
His prouidence gins to dilate her selfe,
And produce beinges from no Being once.
Pause, stay, too fast A non Ente ad ens
peepes something out, that nothing was before?

And all somethings, weare they nothing before?
That needes must be, for nothing is eterne
That is not God Nor can that thing be God
Which giueth not a being vnto all.
No creature euer was cause of it selfe:
Cause and effect are ay distinguished,
The rudest soule placed in Pallace braue
(Vauted with Azure, chacht with golden sparkes
With Tyssue hang'd, spread all with Tapistrie)
Vewing no soule, yet easily conceiues
Some vnseene soule to haue effected this.
Who vewing earth and her braue furniture,
The starry cannapie orespreading all,
But into minde one Elder thing must call,
Euen Natures parent (GOD) cause solely Good.
For things which now haue Being, once were not.
And if not once, of nothing then they rose:
Euen that somthing, which termed is Chaos.

2. Section

From nothing startes, a Matter indigest:
A rude informed lump, vnbeautified:
Fowre Elements (as Subiect to the rest)
fowre mixt in One and all vn-purified.
This vnlickt masse doth tumble into place,
Mirkesome, and darke with waters on his face.
Here motion gon and worlds metwand begon:
Time turles his ball, so soone as Time exists.
Puncts get minutes, minutes to Houres runne:
Nor stayeth Time to march creatures lists,
Great Ælohim nor 'gins his worke create,
But with respect of Time his golden date.

With time 'gun Place, for was no place before
Incircumscription was all in all.
And that was God: who now for creatures lore,
To Time and place his workemanship doth call.
So teaching vs t'obserue both time and place,
for adding to our workes Decorums grace.
Great hugye Chaos entring so with Time,
And bounded with his place correspondent:
Iehouahs spirit therevpon doth clime,
His Donish wings couers the continent.
Euen as the Egge is couered of the Dame,
For causing further being to the same.
This natur'd lump (had not the spirit spread)
To nothing or to Nought would haue declin'd
The father by his word did giue it head:
Breath of his mouth preserues it in his kinde.
that so preserud, in future time may rise
a winged worke, more fit Creators eyes.
The Peahen addes an heate vnto her egge:
Anone peeps forth a chirping little-one.
The Chaos burste, it percks vpon the legge,
With lonesome fethers it doth fly anone.
to future stare so this rude Indygest,
by spirits vitall heat it is addrest.

3. Section.

Heare pawse my soule: vnder the letters shade
A second sight and light is couched sure.
A spiritall Chaos in our nature made,
Hild ouer quite with mantles darke obscure.

A mere Tohu, or empty, gulfe of black,
Confused, indigest, vnpolished:
By Prince of darknes hu'd like harye sack,
Of hye effects disrobd, vnfethered.
A worke declining from the Lord of life,
Tending to nothing: nothing lesse then nought:
First Natures throate cut with her proper knife:
A web of woe which she her selfe hath wrought.
The Chaos face with waters ouerspread,
May argue Nature ouerwhelm'd and prest:
Like Noahs world (whence sacred goodnes fled)
Whome all abroade an hellishe blacke possest.
But Ælohim not (ioyed in this masse)
Sends forth his spirit for new creation:
Causing his Breath, worlds face to ouer passe,
Offering his grace to euery Nation.
Confused lump, confused Element,
Be humbled lowe and know thy selfe proud clay:
To Ehiehs Spirit subiect thy continent:
So driry darknesse shall be turnd to day.

4. Section.

Bvt turne vnto the letters history:
Great Ælohim (who had decreede a season,
Wherein to speake a speach beyond mans reason:
Effectuall speach and full of mistery)
He speaketh thus: Iehiôr: let be light,
And loe the Chaos face did glitter bright.

From out the darknes bowels rusht this shine:
This bould bewrayer of confusion:
By Iahs commaundement not by intrusion,
Approued by Authority diuine.
A sodaine chainge, but yet more strange and rare
That Sable blacke should Argent white vpbare.
Simplicius here is ready prest to grinne,
And carpe at Moses, crying alls vntrue:
The light (saith he) is Causd by starry view,
But Sunne and Moone did with fourth day begin,
In this first day therefore no light for day,
Anti-nomos thus Atheist wise doth say.
Foule Auernes byrd, vgly Gehennaes toad,
Son of the night reserud in darkenesse chaine:
Shall sacred lore be subiect to thy braine,
In whome the damned spirits make their road?
Sufficeth vs the eternall writeth soe,
The eternalls writ vnfoyld of any foe.
But darknes snake, flye not the Charmers tune,
And other cause of light then Sunne is cleare:
What if El-shaddi mighty God tribune
His Essence brightnes had some vsage here?
Euen as sixt day he breathd a quickning spirit
The life of man and Ælohims delite.
But to descend to causes physical:
Light is not caused simply by the Sunne,
By starry shine onely more light is don:
Through Fyre and Ayre is wrought light naturall.
In acting which, elementall fire is agent,
And simple sparsed Ayre it selfe is patient.

Old Adams language termeth fire (Vre,)
But light cauld (Ore:) First letters are the same:
In Hebers tongue, Aleph and Vaf by name,
Distinguished by sound, not by figure.
Closely inferring, Fyre for cheife occasion
Of simple Light, through subiect ayres Inuasion.
Fyre bright and cleare is seated ouer all,
Ayre pulled out subiected to the same:
By ayre is spread the fiers simple flame,
Th' effect of both is Light mere naturall.
Thus Chaos guts in side is turned out,
A glorious light inuesteth all about.
Great Jehouah (because the Light was good)
He it beheld. And good it needes must stand,
That's caused by his word, his owne right hand
And so approuing it, right firme it stood:
With seperation 'twixt the glorious light,
and dredy Darknes: that put this to flight.
But so, as while th' one Hemisphere is light,
Th'anti podes retaines the former darke:
Let Horebs Roy his foes now baule and barke,
Two Elements conuay this colour bright.
For after Sunne it doth but lighten more,
augmenting that which shined true before.

5. Section.

Bvt turne aside,
Bout thousands foure (after this creature-light)
Messiah great (who lighteth euery man)
Creator-light he riseth out of darke,
Filling the Earth with gospels glittering shine:

Dispelling Bethers shadowes from the Iue,
Exhibiting of types the Substance true.
Then vnto Iaphets people stretcht those beames,
Our Britaine clime this light irradiates:
And seats it selfe within a prety mile.
Till (as all one cast into standing poole,
Begets one cyrcle, that enlargeth more)
So grew the faith, so grew the Christian lore.
Our people cast away their hue of Woad,
The light corrected sauage vsages:
Of inhumaine and passing barbarous,
They soone exceld for ciuill cariage,
Such braue effects, Messiahs light did cause,
Such was the fruit of stooping to his lawes.
First darkenesse did inuade all Adams brood,
And wrapt vp all in seble ougly darke:
Dread Ignorance with mantle black orespreds,
The silly soule (a dreadfull thing to thinke)
Foule Sathans shrine set vp in ignorance
Where ziim, Iim, and vncouth Satires daunce,
But he that hal'd Light out of darkenesse guts,
Calls vnderstanding out of ignorance:
He by his word shines in his creatures minde,
Adding to Natures lamp, the light of heauen:
Light metaphisick, Lantherne to the soule,
Dispelling darkenesse as a scribed scrowle.
Jehi said Ælohim, Let be, and twas,
A working word, where he will haue it worke:
Nor maruell, for his sacred word effects
A Being where no Being was before.
His working Spirit (as fire and ayre) workes light,
And vnto fire and ayre compared right.

As fire he burnes old Adams rotten sinne,
And flames the soule with zeale of holines:
Fire out of Churches Angels mouths do floe,
Consuming otherwise then El-iah did,
consuming lusts, that Salamander-wise
The Soule may liue in fyre, and bright his eyes.
To ayre this Spirit of Ælohim againe
Resembled is, for tempring heat and zeale:
As also for his breathing spirituall life,
For absent him, and liuing are but dead.
As trees and plants deuoyd of ayre do wither,
So voyde this spirit, all dyes that commeth hither.
Want of this fyre was blam'd in Laodice:
Want of this ayre (as Iohn in Platinos sawe)
Was cause of spritall trees and herbes their deaths,
God breathing not his Gospell in their hearts:
Some earthly Angels much with-held it back,
Till Eli-shebet largely cur'd that lack.
A vaile of vnknowen language blinded most,
And most in darke did mumble Mattins vp.
No sooner Iah said Jehi, Let it be:
But sacred light enwreathd our Hemisphere.
None bark at that but Goblins, Bats and Owles,
The Locust crue and age of vncleane Fowles.
Let light be, saith our text (God loueth Light)
And workes of light beseeme his glittring shine:
But touching Darke, text saith not, Let it be,
For Black is but an absence of the light.
Nor workes of darkensse Æhim approues,
Light, workes of light, he likes and only loues.
Then hauing calld vs out of darkenes vaile
Into his glorious light, light wounderfull:

Duty exacteth that our workes shine forth,
For causing Glory to great Ehiahs name
The prince of darkenesse he frō soule doth sander:
And weds it to the Lord of light. A wonder!
A wondrous thing to rise from graue of sinne,
From Earths black cauernes, into matchlesse light.
A sillie Lambe dropping from dams darke wombe,
Leapes and exults to spie light naturall.
Much more should we pertaking light diuine,
The Image of our God, cœlestiall shine.

6. Section.

Th' eternalls eye suruaying all,
The light he thence yclippeth day.
Thence-forth he darknesse Night dooth call,
And both his sacred word obay.
Euening and morning so afford,
First day, effected by Gods word.
Darkenesse was first, but named last:
The light was last, but named first.
Oh wicked, nill ye be agast,
Who workes of darknesse euer thirst?
Who from the Proto-plast his fall
Are darknes, euill and worst of all.
You plead antiquite and yeares,
And yet must iloope to latter light.
The light your owly-eyes it feares:
For day hath name before the night.
Rough-hided Esau brag of age,
Yet Iagnakobh subdues thy rage.

Euening and morning makes first day:
Wicked and godly make first age:
Some Sathans lore, some God obay,
And mutuall warres with other wage.
But in Iehouahs day of doome,
Darkenesse, of day is ouer come.

7. Section.

Bvt here a question doth arise:
Sith in six dayes Created be,
Heauen and Earth their whole armye:
New worke thence framed in no wise:
When first did Iah his Angels see?
Philo Greeke-Iewe concluding plaine,
The after worke was still the best:
Some later persons thence would gaine
This Thesis (fitting well their vaine)
Angels were latter then the rest.
For helping this marke well they say,
How Breshith in the latter classe,
A purer worke doth still bewray,
And perfectest in latter day.
The Angell so the latter was.
But pawse, the Iewes conclusion is
Of natures that be seable:
And issuing from same lump Iwis,
By Chaos clipped not amisse:
And not of Spirits Inuisible.
And not of Spirits, who being haue
By Breathing (as had humaine spright)

Or of some other substance braue
Celestiall, or ayrie waue,
Vnsubiect vnto humaine sight.
To purpose such Moses prefates
Celestiall Hyle, fore earth-mother:
As knocking first at Angels gates:
Termed (for time) the morning mates
the Sonnes of God, and of no other.
And here for Singers with first light
I pitch their time of Iubile:
With first dayes being they had flight
Except all Auncients held not right,
and I with them deceaued be.

8 Section.

The time defin'd, their Nature is the next:
A spirituall nature termd in holy text:
A nature subtile, thinner then the ayre,
Not flesh nor bones, as with a man doth fare.
When antients haue defined euery spright
To be true bodies: vnderstand them right,
By Bodies they True beings do declare:
Not fleshy natures such as ours are.
Yet fleshie bodies angels haue assumd,
By whome old Abrahams iunkets were consumd.
Whether those bodies weare condensed ayre,
Or fleshie bodies, I my censure spare.
But nescessary t'was for humaine sence,
Bodies organicall they should commence.

Nor such assumption, onely propper is,
To Angels such as neuer wrought amis.
Apostate spirits the messengers of hell
They oft do that: witnesse lewde Magicks spell,
Witnesse the bloud they suck, witnesse the sacrifice
They do consume in such abhorring wise.
Sauls Endor witch, see such an hag of hell:
For what lewd witch could trouble Samuel:
But all those bodyes, shapes, shewes true or vaine,
Be borrowed things and soone laide downe againe.

9. Section.

For Angels office, question with their name:
Angell is nothing else but Messenger.
To Creator an high Embassadour:
For piercing zeale compared to a flame.
But how that office is distinguished,
And wherein each discenteth from the rest
I dare not write least sacred writ I wrest.
Nor feigned stuffe shall heere be vttered.
But seeing God, in workes below the Sunne,
In Church, in common-wealt, in instrument:
In Orchard, Garden, in whole Natures bent,
Doth vse and exercise distinction:
And such distinction is dame natures beauty,
I easily beleeue and condiscend:
(Though how, wherein, I dare not once intend)
Distinction eeke to rest in Angels dutie.

Sundry Respects, do giue them sundry names:
Cherub so calld (as if a multitude)
For Sheraphim, first language doth conclude
The plurall terme, for likenesse vnto flames:
This from appearance, former from effect:
Names vsd before Babels captiuitie:
But thence they brought (with Daniels prophecye)
Great Michaell, which Iudah did protect:
And Gabriel, both vsd in Gospells line,
This (man-God) clipt, for bringing happy speach:
Of Messiah, true God and man we teache,
From sacred newes possessing name diuine.
For Michael: tis, Who is God the strong?
Answere is secret: none but Messiah
Like vnto God and same for Essence aye
Defender of the faith in time of wrong.
If Manoah will further names desire,
He answere hath: Hid is the Angels name:
With Rabbi Shelomoh I say the same,
It is vnfit such Secrets to enquire.
Sufficeth it, as Heauen, Earth, Seas and all
Created were for benifit of man:
(Though difference twixt season now and than)
So was creation Angelicall.

10. Section.

Al made, all sing a Chorus meere deuine,
Applauding lowd to Ælohim his action:
But sodainely (as flashing Lightnings shine)
A troupe falls downe, disiect by Freewils faction.
Downe, downe they tumble which begon to clime:
A fruite well fitting such a sodaine paction;
Opprest, suppressed by their proper crime.
Their sinne lay in desertion of their place:
Electing change, as Heuah sometimes did.
Their Freewill falles, and blacknesse hils their face,
Like thunder-crash from mounted seates they slide:
One leades the rest, to rest he bids the bace.
Iehouah's chaines of darkenes pinions fast
Th' apostate crue, reserud to iudgment last.
This tumble downe was not before an hell,
A locall hell remote from former blisse:
A spiritall darkenesse, fitting Spirits well?
Conceaued of our mantick mates amisse.
Who of the ayre, earth water, fire tell
Of sundrie lots and seuer'd regiments.
as kings and kesars ouer Elements.
Damned already be those spirits: but bide
A fuller wrath, after a fuller sinne.
During which stay, with fetters they are tyde
Vnable for a swine to enter in
But as th' eternall lets their Cable ride:
And further stretch by heauens parliament,
For execution of some sad entent.

Ringleader of this ranke is Sathan hight,
In Hebers language it is Aduersarie:
In Iauans writing, Diuell, Accuser right:
Names and the things in him do nothing vary.
For other tides drawne from ayre, world, night,
They manifest his pride, his pompe, his euill,
All fitting right the Satan and the deuill.
Touching his army, souldiers like their Lord,
All vgly darknesse, horror, damned snakes:
Breathing lewd motion, works and cut throte word,
Neuer a sleepe, but still to mischiefe wakes:
In field, in towne, in house, at bed and boarde.
Who most preuailes in compassing most euill,
Most grins & gapes & laffs: fowle dimned diuell.

11. Section.

Adam awake, all Adams kinde awake:
Diuels are cast downe into our earthen lot.
Bui'd sure and fast, they purpose all to shake:
Those hellish hags lye coucht in euery brake:
And humaine ruines (nothing else) complot.
Each breaths his lust, and none but breatheth bad:
Poyson and worse, for making mankinde mad.
One hisseth Pride, and Iezabel layes hould:
Confected Stibium dawbes all her face.
Medusæs twirled snakes her haire doth folde:
Decked with toades and frogs of silke and gold:
Herodes swels as of no terrene race.
Maggots for him and dogs do gape for her:
To such braue ends their black-spirits them prefer.

Another Fury doth instinct to wrath:
Kain huffs and snuffes, the poyson fils his limmes.
Antiochus conspires the Hy Saints scath:
The mal-contents hold murder for their faith:
Through vaine and artery this fury swims.
But damned ghost leaues first to roague with feare
The Syrians corps with stench to fume his beare.
A third diuell whispers in the eares of some,
And straight they slide to house of brothelrie:
The pox, the vengeance, burning intrailes come
Crying a loud (though at first entrance domb)
Seruing their latter dish in beggerie.
Or Zimri and his Cozbi midst their ills,
Some zealous Phineas pursues and kills.
Another Ghost doth slide into a bedde,
And all the night inuites a man to steale.
With choice of stales he fills his emptie head,
Obiecting to his minde the safest stead:
With O, alls safe, none liuing shalt reueale.
He goes presuming fields both blinde and mute?
But comes to Tyburnes Tripos to dispute.
A fift possessed is with greedy Lust,
A swallowing gulph, immense, insatiable;
A churlish Nabol suffocate with dust,
A lump of Yron cancker-fret with rust:
Tyde vnto quoyue with ten times twisted cable.
A Balaams sprite, right ready all to curse
Prouided he with pence may gorge his purse.
This donghill worme no sooner breaths his last,
Then starueling hagges conuay his soule to hell.

Here in this world he maketh poore agast,
But sealeth vp a curssed lot at last:
Lodged belowe, where damned ghosts do dwell.
Now Plousios would ease his tongue in flame,
But God denies all comfort to the same.
Another diuell consumes a man with drinke,
Another stuffes a corps with gurmandise:
Another causeth Pelatie to thinke
True preaching folly, till he downe do sinke,
And damned be, while Prophet iudgment cries.
another cogs and foists, he fawnes and flatters,
and as may please his diuell he quoineth matters.
What should I tell of spirites and their vaines?
That were a field vnlimmited by line.
What should I tell of hell and al his paines?
Of sinnes deuises, and his motlie traines?
That were to weaue a web of endlesse twine.
Sufficeth it mans prest to euery euell
Nor is there Place nor time where's not a diuel:
Nor is there diuell that thirsteth not damnatiō,
Of euery man, of euery tongue and nation.

12. Section.

For sacred Sprits retaining court of blisse,
They appetite but good and very good.
Sweete seruice theirs no faithfull soule can misse,
Their bond of loue made fast through Sauiors bloud
Created for, and for that cause they stood:
and aye shall stand affectors of our weale:
at sinners change ringing an heauenly peale.

Proud Sanherib his thousands eightie fiue,
They ruinate vnder one Angels hand.
The wretch himselfe right glad to scape aliue,
As taylelesse Dog he flyes to Ninus land:
For gainst the sacred sprites what strength can stand?
El shaes seruant saw an hoast of those,
Who smi{t} with blindnesse all his maisters foes.
By ministrie of those on Sinais mount,
Promulgate was the law in dredy wise:
Iehouahs voice by them did all surmount,
But Image none appeared to their eyes:
Fore Chebars Seer, euery Cherub flies,
and mighty Iah (another writes of him)
he rides vpon the wings of Cherubim.
Seruants to God, seruants to subiects his:
Alwaies imployde in sacred ministrye.
Solely in life they neither do all this:
But compasse Lazarus, wheref'ere he dye:
They take his soule and vp to heauen flye.
Bestowing it with Abraham the great,
Let damned churle whine, pine, gnash teeth & fret.
Oh that fond man but knew his happines
Thus to be guarded! oh, oh that we knew:
How ready they to rid our liues fro stresse:
How in the Sinagogue all rites they vew:
Then, then flagitions facts we soone would rue.
Would waile, lament with broken sighs deplore,
Wold change our course & thirst repentance more.
Shall sacred Angels see thy filthines,
Thy lewd complots at bed, at board, in field?

Shall they giue witnes of thy wickednes,
And pull away protection, as a shield?
To Sathans learning wilt thou rather yeeld?
Fye nature base, to leaue sweete-Angels sad,
Who working well shal cause them ioy and glad.
As they finde people working in this world,
So binde they vp the wheate and trusse the tare:
The first for ioy, the second shall be whurld
(With hags their teachers) into endles care:
As vnawars birds hampred in a snare.
Nor Saints, nor Angels but shall like it well,
And ioy to see the Damned burne in hell.
To see them torne & diuersly distract,
By neuer dying worme, their proper fact.

13. Section.

Bvt 'fore man was, what did created sprites?
some choose to stand, some did elect to fall.
Before some fell, all soonge to Ælohim:
Thence all might muse and deeply might admire,
Whither all creatures visible did rend?
Whither the light? whither the firmament?

Whither Seas? Earth? whither burning lights?
Whither Birds? Fish? whither terrestriall Beasts?
Whither these tended, they might maruell well.
As Angels sence desired to behold
The new creation, in the Ghospels word.
Or if not this, some other thing they did,
Which sacred light (as yet) from me hath hid.