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Hoccleve's Works. II

The minor poems in the Ashburnham Ms. Addit. 133. ... Edited by Sir Israel Gollancz

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IV. Ad beatam virginem.


Worsshipful maiden to the world / Marie,
Modir moost louynge vn-to al man-kynde,


Lady to whom al synful peple crie
In hir distresse / haue vs in thy mynde!
Thurgh thy benigne pitee, vs vnbynde
Of our giltes / þat, in thy sones birthe,
To al the world broghtest the ioie & mirthe!


To whom shal I truste so sikirly,
To axen help in my necessitee,
As vn-to thee / thow modir of mercy?
For to the world mercy cam in by thee;
Thow baar the lord of mercy / lady free,
who may so lightly mercy vs purchace
Of god thy sone / as thow, modir of grace?


Lady / right as it is an impossible
Þat thow sholdest nat haue in remembrance
Why thow baar god / so it is incredible,
To any wight of catholyk creaunce,
Thee nat to reewe on our synful greuaunce:
For-thy, lady benigne and merciable,
Vn-to thy sone make vs acceptable!


O god, þat maad art sone vn-to womman,
For mercy / & thow womman / which also
By grace art maad modir to god & man,—
Outhir reewe on vs wrecches ful of wo,
Thow sparyng / & thow preyynge / dooth so,
Or elles wisse vs / whidir for to flee,
To hem þat been mercyfullere than yee!


If it so be / as wel I woot it is,
That so greuous is myn iniquitee,
And þat I haue wroght so moche amis,
So smal my feith / so slow my charitee,
And lord / so vnkonnynge is / vn-to thee
And thy modir / my lewdë orisoun,
So imparfyt my satisfaccioun,



Þat neithir of my giltes / indulgence,
Ne grace of helthe / in no maner wyse
Disserued haue I / for my greet offense,
Lo, þat meene I / þat is my couetyse,
That where as my dissert may nat souffyse,
The grace & mercy of yow bothe tweye
Ne faille nat / þat is it / þat I preye.


Mercyful lord / haue vp-on me mercy!
And lady, thy sone vn-to mercy meeue!
with herte contryt preye I thee meekly,
Lady, thy pitee / on me wrecche preeue.
Bisyly preye / for I fully leeue,
For whom thow preyest / god nat list denye
Thyn axynge / blessid maiden Marie!