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A compendious Register in Metre

conteining the names, and pacient suffryngs of the membres of Jesus Christ, and the tormented; and cruelly burned within Englande, since the death of our famous kyng, of immortal memory Edvvard the sixte: to the entrance and beginning of the raign, of our soueraigne & derest Lady Elizabeth of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande quene, defender of the faithe, to whose highnes truly and properly, apperteineth next and immediatly under God, the supreme power, and authoritie of the Churches of Englande and Irelande [by Thomas Brice]

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[Whē shal this time, of trauail cease]

The wishes, of the wise,
Whiche long, to be at reste:
To GOD, with lifted iyes,
Thei call, to be redreste.

Whē shal this time, of trauail cease
Which we with wo sustayne,
Whē shal the daies, of rest & peace
Returne to vs agayne.
When shall the minde, bee moued right
To leaue hys lustyng life
When shall our mocions, and delight
Be free from wrath and strife.
When shall the tyme, of wofull teares
bee moued vnto myrth,
When shall the aged, with gray heares
Reioyce at childrens byrth.
When shall Hierusalem reioyce,
In him that is their Kyng:
And Sion hill, with cherefull voyce
Synge Psalmes, with triumphyng.

When shall the walles, erected bee
That foes, with furie fraye
When shall that perfect, oliue tree
Geue odour, like the baye.
When shall the vineyard, bee restorde
That beastlye Bores, deuour
When shall the people, late abhorde
Receyue a quiet houre.
When shal the spirite, more feruent be
In vs that want good wyll,
When shall thy mercies, set vs free
From wickednesse and yll.
When shall the Serpentes, that surmise
To poyson thine electe,
Be bounde to better exercise,
Or vtterly reiecte.
When shall the bloude, reuenged be
Which on the earth is shed
When shall synne, and iniquitie
Be caste into the bed.

When shall that man, of synne appeare
To bee euen as he is,
When shal thy babes, and children dere
Receyue eternall blisse.
When shall that painted, hore of Rome.
Be cast vnto the grounde,
When shal her children, haue their dome
Which vertue woulde confounde.
When shall thy spouse, and turtle done
Be free from bitter blaste,
When shal thy grace, our sinnes remoue
With pardon at the laste.
When shal this lyfe translated bee
From fortunes fickell fall,
When shall true faith, and equitie
Remaine in generall.
When shall contention, and debate
For euer slake and cease,
When shall the daies, of euill date
Be tourned vnto peace.

When shall trew dealing, rule the reste
With those that bye and sell,
And single minde, in euery ceaste
Among vs bide and dwell.
When shall our mindes, wholy conuerte
From wealth, and worldlye gayne
When shall the mouynges, of our harte
From wickednes refrayne.
When shall this fleshe, retourne to duste
From whence the same did spryng
When shal the triall of our trust,
Appeare with triumphyng.
Whē shal the trumpe, blow out his blast
And thy defe babes reuiue,
When shal the hoare, be headlong cast
That sought vs to depryue.
When shall thy Christ, our kyng apeare
With power and renowne:
When shall thy sainctes, that suffer here
Receyue their promest crowne.

When shall the faithfull, firmely stande
Before thy face to dwell:
When shall thy foes, at thy lyfte hande
Be caste into the hell.

Come Lorde Iesu. Apoca. 22.

T. B.