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ffrom another sore ffitt.

In my distresse I sovght the Lord,
When nought on Earth could comfort giue;
And when my Soul these things abhor'd,
Then, Lord, thou said'st vnto me, Liue.
Thou knowest the sorrowes that I felt,
My plaints and Groanes were heard of Thee,
And how in sweat I seem'd to melt;
Thov help'st and thov regardest me.
My wasted flesh thou didst restore,
My feeble loines didst gird with strenght;


Yea, when I was most low and poor,
I said I shall praise thee at lenght.
What shall I render to my God
For all his Bovnty shew'd to me,
Even for his mercyes in his rod,
Where pitty most of all I see?
My heart I wholly giue to Thee:
O make it frvitfull, faithfull Lord!
My life shall dedicated bee
To praise in thought, in Deed, in Word.
Thou know'st no life I did require
Longer then still thy Name to praise,
Nor ovght on Earth worthy Desire,
In drawing out these wretched Dayes.
Thy Name and praise to celebrate,
O Lord! for aye is my request.
O, gravnt I doe it in this state,
And then with thee which is the Best.