University of Virginia Library



Sent to Miss. --- ---,


See also J. Bringhurst in Landmark Anthologies.

Now o'er the world hath sober Evening spread
Her ebon-tinctured veil—the stars appear—
The smiling Moon in mildest beauty clear,
As on my hand I press my pensive head.
While not on earth is heard one echoing tread,
Look thro' the Southern uprais'd window near.
Down on my cheek tear courses after tear—
I think on absent friends, on pleasures fled.
Now all their actions living in my sight
Awake new, mournful, pleasures in my soul,
And each memento gives a fresh delight.
Do not such joys my fair one's mind controul?
They do—I see th' assenting tear descend—
And she will love this trifle for the friend.