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The Probationary Odes of Jonathan Pindar, Esq

A cousin of Peter's, and candidate for the post of Poet Laureat to the C. U. S. In two parts

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Jonathan descanteth on the flight of Birds, and recommendeth to unfledged politicians to follow their example.

Wild Geese on Lake Superior's margin hatch'd,
Their yellow down exchang'd for jetty fledge,
To southern climes in quest of food detach'd,
Are seen to cleave the air in shape of Wedge:


Th' experienc'd Leader, with sonorous clang,
Their course directs, and distant realms explores;
His note each Goose repeats with solemn twang,
Till all together reach the destin'd shores.
Mark then, like new fledg'd Geese, your Leader's note,
Nor doubt they understand the destin'd course,
Tho' Bank-directors for amendments vote ,
Or Speculators, justice to enforce.
Shall W ** h run his Ship against a Rock!
Shall S ** k e'er encounter Daniel Shays !
Shall A * s depreciate his well-earn'd STOCK!
Shall S * n forget the Bank, or means and ways!
Sooner shall water-spouts be seen on land;
Sooner the timid Hind a Panther face;
Sooner shall Misers give with open hands;
A Courtier sooner shall refuse a place.
Sooner Pacificus in Gallia's cause
Shall fight, or pay her by anticipation;
Sooner shall Atlas reverence the Laws,
When they oppose his own predestination.

The amendment for excluding Bank-directors from a seat in either house, seems here alluded to.

The celebrated rebel and reformer in New England in the year 1787.