University of Virginia Library



Long, on the deck, the living chaos stirr'd,
Before each element could find its place;
While unexpected greetings oft were heard,
And oft appear'd some unexpected face.
With much-ado, for Henry and his Kate
A place to seat themselves, at length, was found.
The rest, with wonder and with joy elate,
At ev'ry novel sight, came clust'ring round.


Kate lov'd to gaze on earth, and wave, and sky,
The woods, the river's rocky margin steep.
The boys lov'd best to watch the wild-fowl fly,
To see the fishes from the water leap.
Henry, on all within and all without,
Attentive look'd, and frequently, the while,
Some object to his children pointed out,
That might instruction give, or call a smile.
“See that plump-visag'd, snug and tidy wife,
Who keeps all right and tight, where'er she goes;
The busy, bustling habit of whose life,
In ev'ry look, and word, and act, she shows.
These are the dames, whose angry call
Makes servants tremble, and brave husbands laugh.
Let them alone ye witlings; after all,
Nine out of ten, they are the better half.”
“Do see,” cried Charles, “that little swarthy man,
In long black boots, who holds his book so near
To his snub-nose; help laughing if you can”—
“Beware, my son, at strangers how you sneer,”


Replied his father, “little do you dream
How bright a mind within that form resides.
The rough pearl-oyster, thus, would worthless seem
To one unsconcious of the gem it hides.
“Smile, if you will, at those two pallid youths,
Hard-by, in converse close, with heads together,
Grasping at shades of metaphysic truths,
In hopes to solve some knotty if or whether.
They come for health; yet there they sit, by th' hour,
Discussing loud, from some dull schoolman's book,
What is or is not in th' Almighty's power;
And, meanwhile, neither of them deigns to look
Upon th' Almighty's works which, all around,
With his own radiant impress ever shine;
Where health of mind and body may be found,
And things to feed the soul with thoughts divine.”
Somewhat retir'd there was another group—
A mother with two children and her spouse.
They could not fail, in Henry and his troop,
Deep interest and compassion to arouse.


She too for health was seeking; beauteous, young;
A hectic flush but rendered her more fair.
Her girls, unconscious, round their father hung,
Who strove, in vain, to hide his anxious air.
'Twas sad to see the silent tear-drop stain
Her lovely cheek, as on her girls she smil'd,
With mix'd emotions that confess'd how vain
She deem'd, at heart, the hope that oft beguil'd.
Scarce, Henry from his children could conceal
The long-quell'd anguish in his breast that rose;
Or hide the tear that down his cheek would steal
At sight of what awoke his own past woes.
Yet still, he ceas'd not there to turn his eyes;
Nor would he blot the mem'ry of the past.
Strange! that our keenest pangs we seem to prize,
And dwell on early sorrows to the last!
It was relief to view a happier sight;
A lovely infant in its mother's arms,
Recovering from disease whose threat'ning blight
Had rack'd her tender heart with dire alarms.
To watch each fav'ring sign, she sat intent,


And joy'd to see the babe cheer up the while.
With heart too full to speak, her head she bent,
And gave the little creature smile for smile.
Kate would have given half her life, to snatch
The infant from its mother's fond embrace;
Its outstretch'd hand within her own to catch,
And print a thousand kisses on its face.
There was a towering manly-treading lass,
With long sharp nose and philosophic look;
Her brain, of borrow'd thoughts a mingled mass,
Who valued nought that was not in a book.
Heav'n help the mortal doom'd by cruel fate
To bide the wordy torrent of her tongue!
This precious creature fasten'd on our Kate
All fearless of the woe that o'er her hung.
The pure unblemish'd native light that beam'd
From Kate's sweet face had caught this damsel's eyes;
A subject, to her vanity, she seem'd,
Whom she might safely deign to patronize.


When to the enchanting Highland scene they came,
One would have thought by book she knew it all;
For ev'ry hill she found a classic name,
And recognis'd each rill and waterfall.
In long citations, such a peal was rung
As serv'd our helpless victim to astound.
She wish'd at heart that Scott had never sung,
Or that the Lady of the Lake were drown'd.
At length when dinner's stirring summons rang,
To Kate, no music e'er had such a charm;
No bird let loose more lightly ever sprang
Than she, to catch her father's ready arm.
Too clearly, by the tumult which ensued,
The innate selfishness of man was shown;
Careless of other's comfort, each pursued,
With all his force, th' attainment of his own.
But, with our gentle Henry, 'twas not so:
Th' impatience of his children he withstood:
He said, their meal 'twere better to forego
Than show themselves both gluttonous and rude.


While all seem'd mad with hunger and with thirst,
He mov'd with measur'd step and tranquil air:
The vacant place he took which offer'd first;
Nor seem'd he, for himself, to have a care.
What is the real gentleman, but he
Who from the path of kindness never strays?
Who truly is what he appears to be?
And feels at heart the goodness he displays?
The outside show of elegance and ease,
The mere result of study and of art,
Has pow'r, awhile, the eye and ear to please;
But real worth alone can reach the heart.
The one, like empty sounds that swell and roll,
Conveys no clear sensation to the mind.
The other reaches to the inmost soul,
Like dulcet strains with touching words combin'd.
Soon as the comfortless repast was o'er,
They gladly left the cabin's breath confin'd,
And, mounting to the open deck, once more,
Inhal'd, with joy, the cool refreshing wind.


Their spirits soon began more gay to rise;
Toward all around they felt in social mood.
For, though blue-stockings may the thought despise,
'Tis sure the mind gains health from solid food.
But soon Kate saw that all her joy must end.
“Oh dear! oh dear!” thought she, “what shall I do?
Here comes my everlasting learned friend—
Well, well, Heav'n grant I ne'er may be a blue!”
Ah no! her ev'ry word and ev'ry look
Proclaim'd that no such fate she need to dread;
Her thoughts and feelings, drawn from Nature's book,
Shed simple truth's pure light o'er all she said.
In vain she strives to shun the watchful gaze;
Now clings more closely to her father's side;
Now starts away to chase some child that strays;
And now she seems to warn, and now to chide.
So full of anxious care her thoughts appear,
That interruption would be downright rude.
Yet still, my lady blue kept ever near;
And still, like sportsman keen, her game pursued;


For Kate, who wish'd not ever to offend,
A list'ner of no common value prov'd.
But Henry could no more her steps attend;
And, wearied, to a vacant seat he mov'd.
When by her father she had plac'd her chair,
And had the children safely station'd round,
Her kind protectress fail'd not to be there;
And nasal measures soon began to sound.
As through this world we wend our weary way,
So intermingled are the good and ill,
That much is found our troubles to allay;
This thought at least, they might be greater still.
Declaimers seldom for an answer wait;
At most, but for a careless yes or no;
Thus Heav'n is pleas'd, in mercy, to abate
What might have been the wretched list'ner's wo.
But Kate, in truth, unfeign'd attention paid;
And scarce could she her merriment control,
While lurking smiles around her features play'd
And furtive glances toward her father stole.
Long did th' untiring speaker's voice resound


With Southey's wonders and Montgomery's charms;
Till, sudden, she beheld, on glancing round,
Her patient list'ner—lock'd in Morpheus' arms.
The angel look of sweet unsconcious Kate
Proclaim'd how little dream'd she to offend,
Or change to bitter wrath and vengeful hate
The seeming friendship of a seeming friend.
Her father could have burst with glee outright,
To see the fury of the damsel's eyes;
For, long since, to his keen experienc'd sight,
She was a smiling vixen in disguise.
Yet strove he, for his daughter, peace to make;
Pleaded the engine's ceaseless weary stroke;
How early she was call'd, that morn, to wake;
And of her youth and inexperience spoke.
This, to a lady of a certain age,
Appear'd a sly premeditated blow;
Away she turn'd, with inward glowing rage,
And parted from her friends, a bitter foe.


The morning mist that dims an op'ning rose
Imparts new beauty, ere it melts away.
And thus, our sleeper woke from soft repose
With features brighten'd and with looks more gay.
But keenest pleasure soon must loose its tone,
When that's the only end we have in view.
This, by our younger travellers was shown;
Who now began to pant for somewhat new;
To ask the distance they had still to go;
At what abode they were to pass the night;
Their progress seem'd continually more slow;
They wish'd that Albany would come in sight.
At length, the distant spires to view arise;
And now the dreaded shoal awakes their fears.
The pilot, with firm hand and watchful eyes,
The vessel through the channel safely steers.
Fierce rose the strife, the tumult and the noise,
When first the steamer touch'd her destin'd shore.


On rush'd the hack-men and the baggage-boys.
The safety-valve sent forth its angry roar.
In terror and amaze the girls they stand.
The boys confounded, scarce know where to turn;
Impetuous, they at once would rush to land;
But, self-possession Henry bid them learn,
And not, by eagerness, increase the strife.
And, as he calmly stood, pronounc'd this rule—
“In all the troublous passages of life,
Pray for a spirit patient, firm, and cool.”
And now, beneath a skillful driver's care,
We leave our friends to wind their tortuous way,
And seek a night's refreshment, to repair
Their strength and spirits, for another day.